Next thread will be about getting a girl pregnant through oral sex.
Logi... Goto a doctor, but not to get checked out because you most likely have nothing at all. Go to get one of those books to read, trust me, you of all people will learn alot.
This gets my vote for the best thread of the week.
May be a bit late for you now but schools must be reading this thread.
"Pupils will be able to gain the equivalent of a D grade under the new course which has been devised to raise awareness of issues surrounding relationships, contraception and sexually transmitted diseases.
The Government-funded qualification is being offered in nine schools and colleges for the first time this term with plans to expand it across the country"
Are you serious? Are you saying age is a reason to be jack shit stupid, I really like you as a friend logitech, But I'm 16 and for some reason i have learned all about sex via school, But my parents told me first, I learned it in the 9th. Chapped lips dude? really? Maybe if you stopped acting like every female wants to give it to you at the slightest touch. I've never been to a party, Raise your standards of women FFS or you are going to receive a slap to the face that only a woman could do, Stop partying with whores and work on education, Partying is last on my mind. I have a job, What the hell are you doing. I know there is some low grade women but dayum, Where in America is the standard so low you can order women on rye? Like damn.
Second, You just came to a sim racing forum (Yeah, We're in off topic) But what the **** son, If you were more worried about aids you would have went to the doctor and not a forum to answer you problems, Are you serious? This is the biggest laugh I have had in many many years, You need to get some prioritys in straight son, I already own a used Mercedes, from my job, Education is first and women are last kiddo, You need to learn this.
Third, I take offense to calming my tits, you want to put women on bread, WHERE IS THE LOVE! </3
thanks becky, just spat my coffee over the keyboard
i recall hearing about a south african (white) girl who was a bonofide virgin when she gave birth, she'd had a mal formed vagina that made sex impossible but had just given some bloke oral and swallowed when her boyfriend discovered them and stabbed her in the abdomen, in one of those freak occurences that you'd say was unbelievable in a film etc, the wound to her stomach allowed the swallowed semen to escape and enter through a wound into her uterus and then nature took it's course.
re the original post, you have to remember you didn't just kiss these girls, you also effectively kissed anyone they'd kissed that night before you and anyone those epople had kissed before the girls so as becky said miximatosis for sure
I facepalmed pretty hard at that picture... Get up and make your own sandwiches..
But yeah, I pretty much knew it was a tits or GTFO, Sigh.. Maturity levels, Lol. Is that how EVERY male brain works? If so.. I'm totally going back to Venus and F this planet. XD