Facebook Driver Stats?
(28 posts, started )
Facebook Driver Stats?
I see on Facebook that Bad Company 2 players can upload her Stats.
Is it possible to do the same withe LFS Driver stats?

I cant find anythink on google

(yes i know we have lfsworld, but it was nice for non LFS members to show your driving Carees and also its a good Promotion)
there used to be one, but then facebook changed it's layout 5000 times and then it stopped working.
got a link to more information regarding stats 'uploading' to facebook? Ie. how does that work? And what does / should it show?
pff that doesn't look like something that one can make in an hour Will have to understand that whole graph api first before i can even consider what can be made. (mind you, i had to create an account there to check some things - that tells something about how much I've use fb )
Their (facebook) change notification for the APIs is shite. As soon as you finish a project the ****ers change things and X or Y is broken. Personally I wouldn't bother on a personal project ever again, but thats just me

Who knows, maybe they've decided to have a stable API for something longer than 10 minutes in the last few months.
Oh yeah, now that's an useful feature.
Quote from Victor :pff that doesn't look like something that one can make in an hour Will have to understand that whole graph api first before i can even consider what can be made. (mind you, i had to create an account there to check some things - that tells something about how much I've use fb )

Vic, can i be your friend?
Quote from IlGuercio :Oh yeah, now that's an useful feature.

That post is much more useful.
Different people - different opinions

For me I wouldn't use it, but I understand the ones that want to use it.
IIRC there are some unoficcial FB stats, but I do not remember how it worked.
Quote from zeugnimod :That post is much more useful.

Facebook looks so useful
For those who can't resist the urge to tell the world they had a crap 5 minutes ago, obviously
Quote from IlGuercio :Facebook looks so useful
For those who can't resist the urge to tell the world they had a crap 5 minutes ago, obviously

Stupid, but true
Quote from IlGuercio :Facebook looks so useful
For those who can't resist the urge to tell the world they had a crap 5 minutes ago, obviously

I dislike those "social networking" things as well but you can't deny that they are popular for some reason, so this suggestion isn't that useless.
That's not the way to make it become popular.
It's still a simulator that requires important investments in time and patience. Most of the FB people won't really bother.
Yeah but if Vic has time for it, why not?
Quote from IlGuercio :That's not the way to make it become popular.
It's still a simulator that requires important investments in time and patience. Most of the FB people won't really bother.

Well.. Most people AND race enthousiastics don't even know this game exists. It's a good way to promote. Every little thing helps.
Quote from IlGuercio :That's not the way to make it become popular.
It's still a simulator that requires important investments in time and patience. Most of the FB people won't really bother.

How can you stereotype peoples on FB in that way. My wife, "our" tree kids and I are all on FB. We use FB in totally different ways all of use.
I think this FB project sounds great and is a good way to promote LFS more.
Quote from Ken Johansen :How can you stereotype peoples on FB in that way. My wife, "our" tree kids and I are all on FB. We use FB in totally different ways all of use.

4 on 500 million people and still i don't know you and i don't want.
Facebook is as innovative as ambient temperature water.
Quote from IlGuercio :4 on 500 million people and still i don't know you and i don't want.
Facebook is as innovative as ambient temperature water.

Is this about you knowing me trough FB?, No! Second, I give a big damn in FB but care about LFS.
This is a great idea +1
Sorry first for my bad English.

I am since 3 weeks in here a special Hospital for resting after the Operation,
i am some of the joungest Patient here.

I have my Laptop here and show some older Patient (40-65) what Lfs is and why that is more then a Game, (setups, lfsworld, tyretemps ect.) .

And they are sooooo fascinated. One Guys buy it immediately (he have no wheel or any Idea how he can play it, he only want to watch (over 60yrs)
Two of them are now Demo members (45-50 yrs), and try it here with mouse and keyboard. I gave them 2 week then they buy it (100%), they are so interested.

They have never see anythink about such Simulator. They are over the Age of normal player so they have no community to talk about it.

There are millions of LFS lovers but they dident know that is exist. They look races in TV and dream about, how it would be to race.

Facebook can open Worlds for LFS.

Sorry for my bad english (its me weakest language)
LFS fails at advertisement so I think this would be a step forward. I use facebook only when I'm forced to, just like Victor, but many people use it everyday.

Facebook Driver Stats?
(28 posts, started )