If you have the money for a Lambo etc, your probably going to be able to stump up for a trackday / track car which is going to hit the spot in a way LFS never can.
Secondly, I doubt LFS really appeals to the demographic that can afford such exotic cars.
Lastly, typically those people who afford those cars have worked hard for them, and as such end up with very little free time to enjoy them... I doubt that they would use the little free time they have to (in the nicest possible way) play "video games".
LFS is a great sim and very realistic, but sitting in an office chair in a darked room with a G25 is nothing like actually being in a car.
Yes, it's possible that you could own a Lambo and play LFS... but it's very unlikely.
It's also possible that everything the M6 owner mentioned is correct - but as we've all seen on here and many other forums, people love to lie to impress others on the internet.
Lets take a well established posted on another forum, telling us about his new ride & then posting some pictures. Only then it turns out that someone seems to have an identical car in Malaysia... same colour and everything. What are the chances?
In fact it happens a lot more than you'd think (edit - links are dead. The car actually lives in Canada, but the member cleverly flipped the pics to make it look RHD).
Obviously when a new poster turns up with a fantabulous (M6 was on the expensive side of £90k new, let alone the cab...) car, they will be met with scepticism, especially when that car appears to be up for sale, and easy to copy the pictures from...