Age: 24
Country: Germany
Preferred Car/Track: Any, but not BF1
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: MRT and FE green Rev, close to WR, but not fav. combo
How Active Are You? Normal!?
What Kind of Control do you use? Mouse, but I WILL get my G25 Back
Time Zone: European West, so -1
Hi, i Buyed LFS 2005 and Joined 2007 FLP (Fred loves Pie)
Now i Search for an other team that is active, friendly and driving in some leagues. Just the normal things i guess. See you!
Country: Germany
Preferred Car/Track: Any, but not BF1
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: MRT and FE green Rev, close to WR, but not fav. combo
How Active Are You? Normal!?
What Kind of Control do you use? Mouse, but I WILL get my G25 Back
Time Zone: European West, so -1
Hi, i Buyed LFS 2005 and Joined 2007 FLP (Fred loves Pie)
Now i Search for an other team that is active, friendly and driving in some leagues. Just the normal things i guess. See you!