The online racing simulator
Get value from TextButton
I have problem... Im doing my admin system and I dont know how to get value from textbutton and use it for example In to textbutton I write some username and i want kick this username how to do this?
Quote from Denny12 :Hello
I have problem... Im doing my admin system and I dont know how to get value from textbutton and use it for example In to textbutton I write some username and i want kick this username how to do this?

Here's my code (made for Lapper 5.846) to enter a value and retrieve it:

### Load value from stored values
SetCurrentPlayerVar( "split_setting",GetStoredValue( $userName . "split_setting" ) );

### Display button + input field
openPrivButton( "config_pb_split_setting_txt",$lr_coordinate+1,$tb_coordinate+51,48,5,5,-1,32,"^7Yellow split setting (ms)" );
openPrivTextButton( "config_pb_split_setting_value",$lr_coordinate+1,$tb_coordinate+56,48,5,5,32,"^3Time in milliseconds","^3Time in ms",5,config_pb_split_setting_value );

### Retrieve input
Sub config_pb_split_setting_value ( $split_setting )
SetCurrentPlayerVar ("split_setting", $split_setting);
Config_Pitboard( $KeyFlags );

### Save value to stored values
SetStoredValue( $userName . "split_setting", GetCurrentPlayerVar( "split_setting" ) );