The online racing simulator
Ban/Kick complain thread
(31 posts, closed, started )
Ban/Kick complain thread
Hi. After serveral Ban/Kick complains i've started this thread. If you are unhappy with your Ban/Kick write it down here.
Just asking about ban
Hellou i am just asking about banning....
So how long is the ban from voted?
One guy just kick/voted me and now i have a ban, just because this one guy doesnt like me....
I did not do anything stupid
The server is [AA] Formula BMW

thanks from the answers
Quote from Vilpuri :Hellou i am just asking about banning....
So how long is the ban from voted?
One guy just kick/voted me and now i have a ban, just because this one guy doesnt like me....
I did not do anything stupid
The server is [AA] Formula BMW

thanks from the answers

Vote lasts 24 hours if i recall correctly so you'll be back on the server soon anyway, votebans on demo servers are something you have to live with, cant be avoided (except by admin locking the vote system)
i can sadly just say YES, this same happened to me, on server [aa] Formula BMW
it was today, we were racing and two clan cars (one on the left and one right) just crahsed to me
then just kicked and banned me for no reason
but i was faster then them, so maybe that motherf... baned me coz am better then he is
next i loged in, he write me something very bad like to Blaze.
it was this player
Hes name is Caine, is from germany
i believe you can do something about this very quickly

i dont have replay coz it was too fast, next ti me i will do that, and notify the LFS team ! ! !
Quote from Domino M3 :Hi
i can sadly just say YES, this same happened to me, on server [aa] Formula BMW
it was today, we were racing and two clan cars (one on the left and one right) just crahsed to me
then just kicked and banned me for no reason
but i was faster then them, so maybe that motherf... baned me coz am better then he is
next i loged in, he write me something very bad like to Blaze.
it was this player
Hes name is Caine, is from germany
i believe you can do something about this very quickly

i dont have replay coz it was too fast, next ti me i will do that, and notify the LFS team ! ! !

Check if you have a temp.mpr replay wich is autosaved. If so, post it here and we'll have a look.

please ban him for 999 days
ON AA FBM server i raced today and a guy named "buga pl" from last place crashed me on purpose he tryied this twice.1st time in lap for and the final crash in lap 5.Please take a look at the replay.I think he deserves i life time ban.
Thank you!
Attached files
buga pl.mpr - 1007.1 KB - 853 views
Thanks for the replay. Certainly, that is an intentional crashing. On the other hand Buga has some history on AA, around 800 laps and Clean status, so I guess it was just a kind of desperation that made him do such things, probably because he was crashed out at the race start by someone else. But certainly he needs to calm down and see it was not right, so I made 7 days ban...
I just got vote banned from AA demo racing for doing nothing :O I was the leading car(FBM), tried to overtake the slowest car in the back(XRG)...then he just slams into my rear tyre which makes me the next race there was two FBM racers who just kept crashing all the other drivers on the straight, I tried to vote kick and ban them, but not enough accepted the votes, then they just vote ban me instead, I believe their names were dallahz and DevilDrivesYou, both were rude, flaming me, AND serveral attempts in crashing me on the straight and when I pitted....

My apoligy if I'm posting in the wrong place, Discovered this website a couple of days ago
Quote from NewAssault :I just got vote banned from AA demo racing for doing nothing :O I was the leading car(FBM), tried to overtake the slowest car in the back(XRG)...then he just slams into my rear tyre which makes me the next race there was two FBM racers who just kept crashing all the other drivers on the straight, I tried to vote kick and ban them, but not enough accepted the votes, then they just vote ban me instead, I believe their names were dallahz and DevilDrivesYou, both were rude, flaming me, AND serveral attempts in crashing me on the straight and when I pitted....

My apoligy if I'm posting in the wrong place, Discovered this website a couple of days ago

Hmm...sounds like a very familiar kick/ban situation. Do you have a replay? Otherwise votebans only last for 12 hours.

I guess your racer name is [RedBull]Webber, your ban will expire in about 1.5 hours so don't worry.
Unfortunately vote abuse is always possible. On the other hand 80% or even 90% of votes are correct and they can really help decent people to get rid of problematic guys, so turning off the voting is not an option. Best way to deal with this is to save replay (or go to the MPR folder under LFS and rename temp.mpr, which contains the last race) and post it here. The downside is that usually before any admin has a chance to look at it the ban expires, because it is just 12 hours...
Server: [AA] Air attack FBM, Or something like that.

I was racing along happily, And i say this olzuu guy, Who pushed me out of my line on the first lap, Caused serveral crashes and purposly spun me out for a lag event in the first lap, I'm so pissed right now...

Please, Tell me who was wrong.
Quote from TehPaws3D :I'm so pissed right now...

Can't wait to see when you are actually quick and do events that mean something, we'll be ready to feeeeel the raaaaage.

I'm going to get you banned friend
You don't mess with licenced S2 racers.

S2 mafia!! We are better than you!!
Yes, nice... You know, on our demo servers we're do not differentiate between licensed and demo people. But anyway: The first crash was a clear lag crash, cars flying like mad after a little touch. (You know THIS is the thing developers should address, the funny [not really funny] collision detection system, not some obscure tyre physics.) Who's fault was it? Eh, both, I'd say, for not keeping safe distance. But what Vilzuu did then was wrong and for that he got 12 hours ban. Nothing more is necessary, I feel. For now.
Ban for no reason
Hi guys - no replay to post I'm afraid but just been banned 5 mins ago (21:55) from Demo FBM server in my view unfairly. I was alongside some guy in final turn on lap 1 with loads of room to spare, he then swerved back onto the racing line taking me out. I voted to kick him only, then he immediately responded by voting to ban me. Then everyone joined in for no reason and I got my first ever ban! I did ask people for a reason why they were voting but obviously got banned before any reply! Anything you can do to overturn is appreciated


meddc (Imagwai)
Welcome to the banned guys club. Hm, come to think of it, I'm not sure I was ever banned from somewhere for these 3 years I'm in LFS... Anyway, your ban is already lifted.
Ta I'll keep a low profile in case the guy's still on there
Also, in case you're not aware you can still retrieve the replay even if you're kicked/banned for the future. Before exiting LFS (i.e. Alt+Tab out), go to: <LFS Path>/data/mpr. Copy the "temp_mpr.mpr" file and rename it to something else (e.g. "just banned.mpr"). You should be able to play that replay or upload it here.
Was just in the FBM server and was banned by an admin with no excuse given. It was the start of the race, and I was trying to get a jump into corner one. Got put into a disappearing wedge and was booted into the grass and auto spectated. Next thing I know I'm banned. Replay is attached. I'm racing under loserwill
Attached files
temp_mpr.mpr - 79.9 KB - 697 views
Hi... i am just asking about banning.., and so how long is the ban from voted?
Quote from jabrik :Hi... i am just asking about banning.., and so how long is the ban from voted?

12 hours.
Sorry for get this topic back to life, But...

I got banned from several [AA] servers, without doing anything... I always try to behave correctly. When I crash, I wait until other users pass by, I'm not a beast when cornering, like others that push other users away.

But For example, I got banned because the Internet goes down, and when I try to log in to the server again, it counts as a ban... I like these AA servers pretty much, and I got banned just because of these. When I tried to log in again, and There appears a message saying that I'm banned, It also counts as a ban. I didn't notice that, and I just went on trying to log in. The server "went really mad" at me...
You just 4 days old? Maybe need to practice more first. Not very good timings there mate.
Andre, perhaps your connection has a problem and you are blinking on/off to the other drivers? Don't take it personally mate, I would get S2, join a club and get some proper racing sorted out for yourself. Way more fun.

Oh and get your internet sorted if that is the problem?
low rated kids started to vote/ban high rated, good lap record timed, even more experienced racers for no reason bu having fun. when server has 3-6 players with low grades, they always tend to vote/ban good players, when there was no reason and server is without any admin/limads.
This thread is closed