Rpg games
(26 posts, started )
Rpg games
Hi everybody , so i recently have quite alot of free time on my hands and wanted to play something out of RPG games , what do you recommend playing (for pc only) ?
BTW I really enjoyed playing Fable , Dungeon lords.

Try the Mass Effect saga, utterly awesome
I love the Mass Effects (although I've got them for 360). They're not all that hardcore in terms of RPG though

Fallout 3 is worth a shot. Either of the Neverwinter Nights games if you don't mind going back a few years. Torchlight if you're looking for something like Diablo.
Fallout 3, Oblivion, Fallout New Vegas is coming out soon. I would try Titan Quest as well(another Diablo-like game), really fun. Oh yeah, and Dragon Age.
if you haven't yet played Star Wars : Knights of the Old Republic, it's time to get to know that game. Also try Fallout 1 and 2. Graphically challenged they may be, but beats most of the other RPG's out there.
even older games from 2003-04 are accepted , since i have a slower pc so not many chances are that it will run new'er games are not on my side
Quote from VyCkA-[WRX] :even older games from 2003-04 are accepted , since i have a slower pc so not many chances are that it will run new'er games are not on my side

SW: KotOR it is then
Trust me, you'll be glad you tried it.
Quote from squidhead :SW: KotOR it is then
Trust me, you'll be glad you tried it.

Hell yeah, i'm usually not into rpg's but that game was awesome! I remember finishing first twice.
Quote from squidhead :SW: KotOR it is then
Trust me, you'll be glad you tried it.

Can't believe I forgot to mention that game. Really great game.
Played KOTOR also loved it
Another vote for KOTOR, especially as you're on an older machine.

I'm not a big fan of RPG's, but that had me totally hooked.
Elder Scrolls: Morrowind...

+1for KOTOR, fallout 1&2
and Baldur's gate
Morrowind and Oblivion FTW
spent so, so, so many hours on those games. And due to the massive modding scene behind them they never get old, and you can make a great game amazing
baldur's gate. Diablo 1+2. Fallout 1,2,3. Neverwinter Nights 1+2. Morrowind

Ultima Online many free shards out google Ultima online top 100
Quote from Klutch :Morrowind and Oblivion FTW
spent so, so, so many hours on those games. And due to the massive modding scene behind them they never get old, and you can make a great game amazing

I probably put more hours into Morrowind GOTY than any other game iv played...
Well, if you have a "Slow pc" like me now (My VC die)

You can use the EpsX 1.7 and play, Suikoden 2, FF7/8/9, Breath of fire 4, Front mission 3, chrono cross, Chrono Trigger, Legend of mana, Valkyrie Profile, Wild Arms 1 & 2, and some others

For pc, Diablo 1&2, Simcity 4 Deluxe edition, Y`s 3, and the other they say here.
#18 - Vain
Morrowind never really got me. I was never taken in by the story, which ended with me just walking around stealing everything I could find until I was bored with it.

Neverwinter Nights 1 however was extremely atmospheric. I finished it 3 times.

Baldur's Gate 2 was and still is awesome. I'm on my 3rd attempt to finish it and I'm hugely motivated to continue due to the great story - it's just such a huge game that I'm still around the 30-40% mark after hours and hours of gameplay. The only thing stopping me from progressing is the frightening amount of options I have combined with the thought that I will likely never again have enough time to attempt another play-through. Possibly the best Singleplayer RPG ever.

Suprised no one has mentioned the dungeon siege series yet, KOTOR is always a blast.
Baldurs Gate 2, nothing ever comes close to it. Or the original Fallouts.
But then, you can't do much wrong with Bioware games generally (just playing thorugh Dragon age, which is awesome).

The Witcher is also one great RPG.

I did enjoy Risen also quite a lot.

I for one dislike the games bethesda has put out recently, can't bring myself to enjoy Oblivion or Fallout 3.
I can't believe I forgot The Witcher. Brilliant bit of storytelling, hard has hell and worth every minute of it.
But if you get it (and it's well cheap now so there's no reason not to), get the full set of patches as well or you'll die of old age before you complete it, thanks to mental load times.
If you don´t mind outdated Graphics, you could try Ultima VII with Exult. All other great RPGs are already mentioned... but if my eyes are still working as intended, there´s still missing one blast of a game: Planescape Torment
(brandons48) DELETED by brandons48
If you have a really, really old computer, try NetHack, Heimdall and Golden Axe, or try them just for a laugh anyways (might need DosBox.. :tilt. On a serious note though, NWN1 + SoU and HotU xpacs, BG2, DA:O. I didn't fancy DA:O personally but it's aight, NWN OCs are a bit of a HnS but fun. I was legitimately thrilled the rest of the day when I beat the final encounter for the first time
Alpha Protocol. One of the few RPG games in which you don't kill demons with your sword.
Demon's Souls.

Rpg games
(26 posts, started )