I have contacted lfs about the problem but I'n hoping I'm not the 1st here.
I'm trying to buy a S1 license with my Pre Paid Visa debit card but it gets declined. It has $50 on it, an yes I'm from the good ole' USA so do you guys think that plays a part in the decline? I have tried, re tried, and made sure every number and letter is correct. I don't know...It sucks.
Please drop your 2 bits, I would really appreciate it.
I have contacted lfs about the problem but I'n hoping I'm not the 1st here.
I'm trying to buy a S1 license with my Pre Paid Visa debit card but it gets declined. It has $50 on it, an yes I'm from the good ole' USA so do you guys think that plays a part in the decline? I have tried, re tried, and made sure every number and letter is correct. I don't know...It sucks.
Please drop your 2 bits, I would really appreciate it.