Wot do we 'ave 'ere then?
Long time since I bothered posting. Haven't even been lurking moar. Simply haven't been using the forums (or any, actually) for close to a year. Work and not having internet at my flat (not bothered) mean little time and few chances to check and post.
So how are things going around here? Had a quick look on the LFS Site and found absolutely no updates for as long as I can remember. Has there been any activity worth mentioning on the forum in posts? Had a quick look through Scawens 'latest' (and I use that term loosely) posts and can't see anything worth mentioning.
Nice to see many of the old guard is here, I must admit I figured 95% of the golden oldies whom have used this forum would have buggered off by now. But seems my assumptions were incorrect.
Anyhoo, found a new game to play (Tricky Trucks or something, thanks) so perhaps this forum isn't a complete waste of time anymore!
Hope everyone is well.
Long time since I bothered posting. Haven't even been lurking moar. Simply haven't been using the forums (or any, actually) for close to a year. Work and not having internet at my flat (not bothered) mean little time and few chances to check and post.
So how are things going around here? Had a quick look on the LFS Site and found absolutely no updates for as long as I can remember. Has there been any activity worth mentioning on the forum in posts? Had a quick look through Scawens 'latest' (and I use that term loosely) posts and can't see anything worth mentioning.
Nice to see many of the old guard is here, I must admit I figured 95% of the golden oldies whom have used this forum would have buggered off by now. But seems my assumptions were incorrect.
Anyhoo, found a new game to play (Tricky Trucks or something, thanks) so perhaps this forum isn't a complete waste of time anymore!
Hope everyone is well.