HI GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yep still about, damn suprised I remembered my password
In no perticular order........
The guy that introduced me to LFS, on the Codemasters Forum for Toca 2

Everybody that made LFS from 2003 Onwards.
The Original LFS League
Night Racing ( Oh did I say that out loud )

Joecool Movies
CRC ( 1st and 2nd time )
Vykos Dancing (somebody must still have that video)
BBO and the Redwine Evenings (they was funny as hell)
The Community Spirit ( no offence, but it isn't what it used to be, on track anyway)
T7R Parties
First LFS Meet in the UK
Gopher04, Gav, Macest( and his surprise birthday wish) don't miss him for his driving, he was just to damn quick

Tristain and his Momo Modifications to fit my kitchen table
Nikimere, TinyUk, General_UK, Thisnameistaken, EMD, TheVeryEnd, Everybody from Afri-Cola and Boomerang Rapido ( thats alot ) and guys from Mercury.
Victor and his new hair cuts
Scawen getting a hair cut ( just kidding )

Being able to get in a car, and HAVE FUN!!!!!!!
Think thats about it....oh wait....how can I forget...DANOWAT AND THREE JUMP!!!!!!
Apologies if I have missed anybody, but I got friends with alot of people over a 4yr period