LFS Magazine in Flash
(54 posts, started )
Bloody amazing!!! Top effort yet again, well done.
Excellent my freind... excellent!
Unbelievable. Your time wasn't a waste. I'm going to use this to show full beauty of LFS to some people who don't understand it.
Can anyone mirror the English download version?
Amazing job man, bravo
Very Very nice work, im very very impressed , keep the work up !!!
Did you write when s3 comes out in that magazine? If not, then i'm not downloading

Nice work
Thanks for feedbacks.

About S3 article:

Really I make the article on the LFS Magazine because is an information wrote by the developers. I only publish that developers has been showed. Of course with the real and exhaustive information about the incoming license and who everybody know about it.

Updated the first post. Thanks to Bose321 and birder. THANKS, as always.
Stunning work Lynce!
That's some impressive work, well done and thank you!

Great work
Very nice job, amazing..
Turn PDF or JPG (KarenFritz) DELETED by Victor : spams
When this journal was written 2013 years now il differently than before this license for s3
Hokay, did you use a transelator? If so, I did not understand, try again
Is this magazine written 2013 years or what year I see that in writing about s3 licenses ??
Quote from zvone798 :When this journal was written 2013 years now il differently than before this license for s3

So today I banana sky muffin drop computer jesus. Yes?
I do written when s3 other cars when flash blue of the desk?
Mr. Bell you more vagabond I eyes see

*** samoihnastavizajebavatobožavamte
i want to see more of this mags!
Quote from shimon-ifraimov :i want to see more of this mags!

Same, but theres no news. Every page would just be "Well, we're waiting on the VWS and new tire physics."
Quote from krugmander :Same, but theres no news. Every page would just be "Well, we're waiting on the VWS and new tire physics."

make every page diffrent color that will do it
...or fill the pages with stuff that actually still going on - league racing! But no,it's much easier to moan around that there is no folkscar and other stuff most would play around with for month when it would be released and then return to moaning...

LFS Magazine in Flash
(54 posts, started )