The online racing simulator
GTi driver looking for a change of pace...
Need some help/advice. Yes, even after licensing, the GTi is still my favorite car to drive around. (feel free to point and laugh, I'm used to it. )

When your done laughing, if you could possibly suggest some tracks for me to try with the car that you find fun/challening, it would be a great help. While I still enjoy Blackwood, I'm up for something different at the moment and just don't know where to start with all the different track choices.

It will also be of help out in the future with the GTi race series I hope to put together eventually. (ok, you can go back to pointing and laughing now. )

#2 - Vain
I enjoy Fe Gold a lot in all slower to medium fast cars (with XRT being my favorite there), though it may be a problem to find other players. Give that combo a try.

Hi Mac ,Welcome to the LFS forums.

I still get a kick out of driving the XFGTI around some of the shorter tracks like the South City unofficial tracks and fernbay club ,aston cadet and club are great circuits also , relatively small tracks are faster to lap therefore faster to learn

If you really like the GTI why not take a spin inthe XFGTR its just a race spec version of the same model car or the UFGTR another great fun FWD racecar to break you into the other types or cars in the game

I really enjoy a FXO @ Aston (anything but cadet)... it is a nice car, with a great engine and is easy to control.
ok...Im done speaking
(pointing in your direction) HAHA
ok, Im done laughing.

(just joking man, I also enjoy a ride in a GTi once in a while)
Just enjoy LFS - who cares what car

Having said the Fox is the bizz for me
Fe Green is brilliant in the slow and medium speed cars, in fact in the TBO class it is perhaps the most awesome track ever concieved.
#7 - jtr99
Quote from Becky Rose :Fe Green is brilliant in the slow and medium speed cars, in fact in the TBO class it is perhaps the most awesome track ever concieved.

I disagree with Becky often enough that I thought I should formally register my agreement on this one.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Thanks for all the tips, everyone. While I think I'll keep my focus on the GTi for a bit longer and just try different tracks, I did "treat" myself yesterday to a little bit of everything.

The one combo that did have its hooks in me for a while was running the LX4 around Fern Bay Green. Just when I thought I had gotten the feel for the track and decided to open the car up abit... I'm hopping up over a curb and then driving up and along side a rock face for a few car lengths before hopping back down and continuing on along the track.

At first it had me cursing, then laughing so hard I was in tears. I'll leave my hosted server up with the combo for a few days and give others a chance to laugh at me and feel better about their own LFS skills.

God I love this game! Even went out and picked up a few books on race driving, Going Faster!(The Skip Barber Racing School book), and the first two Speed Secrets books by Ross Bentley.. Just for getting better in LFS. illepall
#9 - Dumpy
I have a couple more variations on Aston to work out before I've driven every possible track with the XFG (I'm going to do this with every car), but I have to say so far I really like the Kyoto GP Long (Reversed too). I don't know, it just has some fun turns and lines that make me smile out loud.
Try some South City tracks. I really enjoy driving them with XFG. Heh when I bought license I played with XFG all the time too! I did about 5000 miles in it, until my friend (Smax) infected me with FOX.

Now go drive FOX.
GP Long for teh win. Better in fast cars though.
(Schooner) DELETED by Schooner
#12 - Vain
KY Gp Long is great in the slow cars. I used to drive it with the XRG. The technical sections are great for competitive driving.

You could always do the XFG hotlap rank.
Quote from Gentlefoot :You could always do the XFG hotlap rank.

I do plan on it, but I keep getting sidetracked working on a community website for my server... Which I keep getting sidetracked by playing LFS. It's a vicious cycle.

Once I get a bit more scripting done on the site I do hope to start a small racing series. Originally was planning on doing it based on the GTi, but have been leaning more and more towards an LX4 series.
I think the Clean Racers Club were running an LX4 league.
I'd suggest trying to learn Fern Bay Gold, Kyoto National, Aston Club, Aston National and Westhill International.

Leave South City till last, but that is because I hate the place.
Its funny - South City is where I've had some of my best wins. I always seem to do well there. I have a very conservative driving style and I guess that's why. Whilst others are clipping concreate walls and damaging lower wishbones I'm just lapping nice and consistently.
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Yeah right - I've never been anywhere near to the speed of the fast ESL guys through there. Real tricky braking and turning with the bump off the ramp and then onto an incline. You need a real good set there.

Maybe I'll revisit that section - I think my setup skills have improved a lot in the last couple of months.