Dear LFS fanboys (& naughty trolls),
I have noticed far to much trolling and nonconstructive comments about LFS lately. Therefore I wish to express my gratitude to ScaViEr for the tremendous achievement they realised.
In my opinion LFS is a marvel and always will be. Even though I have already driven +100.000km on LFS servers I'm still exploring and enjoying the neat features Z28 has to offer. I count on the LFS fanboys to take the initiative to thank the LFS Devs, I'm sure they will appreciate it
In the mean time I will continue having fun on the Z28 servers (and prepare my anti-troll machine just in case :razz
King regards,
Jean-Cédric Sicotange
LFS fanboy making a ScaViEr pedestal
p.s.: my apologies if I overlooked the foreseen section for fanboys comments
I have noticed far to much trolling and nonconstructive comments about LFS lately. Therefore I wish to express my gratitude to ScaViEr for the tremendous achievement they realised.
In my opinion LFS is a marvel and always will be. Even though I have already driven +100.000km on LFS servers I'm still exploring and enjoying the neat features Z28 has to offer. I count on the LFS fanboys to take the initiative to thank the LFS Devs, I'm sure they will appreciate it

King regards,
Jean-Cédric Sicotange
LFS fanboy making a ScaViEr pedestal
p.s.: my apologies if I overlooked the foreseen section for fanboys comments