it may have the same name as the test skin which means that people in the test race have a dds called "skin name" and therefor thinks it has the skin try renaming the skin and reuploading the renamed skin then change the name you uploaded to the GTAL skins section . hope this works
I would appreciate if there was some kind of test race for example wednesday or thursday evening... because I always practice for these races...but only on empty track...and when I appear in the race I am suddenly surprised how different (more difficult) it is when you have to deal with traffic or racing right on opponent's rear bumper. (but maybe it's just me who has problems with this)
It would be great if there was a time we could set when at least 10-15 people would come for a race in lenght a bit more than 1 hour...for example 37laps...
That may be too big an assumption. I'm not sure they've ever done 'ad hoc' pick-up racing to support this series. Most of the practice races have been done on servers provided by some of the more organized teams, like 7Karat, RSR, and IRM for example.
Of course, if NDR proves me wrong here, so much the better.
Sadly the NDR server is for all drivers, therefore it cannot be used. So if another team (7k, RSR, SR, etc) could set it up, it seems it would be well appreciated by many.
maybe I'll try to come, but I'll be home on that day so I might disconnect and such **** stuff, coming back on Friday or Saturday so I can drive the Round 1 from good connection
I think it is a good idea, tho as I see the race calendar Wednesdays before the races would be more appropriate for us since we run our series on Thursdays...for next time of course
Server: NDR.GTAL 2011 Date: October 28, 2010 Time: 19:00 UTC
18:00 UTC - Rolling Start Tryout 1
18:00 UTC - Rolling Start Tryout 2
18:00 UTC - Rolling Start Tryout 3
19:00 UTC - 10 minute Qualifying
19:15 UTC - 1 hour race.
We will have 3 rolling-start practices at 18:00, 18:20 and 18:40UTC
Feel free to attend all of them or just single tries. It would be great to have some new(er) teams in there so you can have a test under "real" conditions for saturday.