i Have A Server But when People Join They Start Of With UF1 But They Dont Have That And I Want Them to Start Of with An XFG Can Some 1 give A Code and tell Me To Put It Please Thanks ...
He's got a cruise server code that automatically assigns everyone a UF1. He want to change the UF1 to XFG. At least thats what he's been asking in a dozen of thread...
@Matthew: No one is going to spoon feed you how to code. Learn the basics of coding and then ask others to help when you get stuck with something.
Making a number of threads asking the same thing is not cool! Wait a couple of hours/days for someone to reply.
But given your recent posts, I doubt anyone would...
Find out what the code is. Download a program to edit/compile the code and go on from there... Good luck!
Yes, thats the command. But in most Cruise InSim applications you will get speced if you try to drive a that you dont "own." He can leave pits in the XFG, but the InSim will spec him (the likely scenario). And dont forget he's got S1 (UF1 is S2 iirc).
Yes, But it´s a Cruise server so He use a S2 Insim and need a code That you can start with xfg
sry for english
-I dont know The code (atm)-
The Reason I Am Not Going To Help You Is Because You Type Like This. People Who Type Like This Are Weird Because They Think It Makes Them Look Smart And Clever But In Actual Fact Instead Of Making One Grammatical Mistake By Not Putting A Capital Letter At The Beginning Of The Sentence They Make Multiple Ones By Capitilizing Each Individual Fking WORD!!!!!!!! Plus It's Bloody Annoying To Read As Your Eyes Go Up And Down (Like Me Baby Oh Yeahh)
If you can't type correctly, no wonder you're having coding issues....
well what it is my server you have to start of with a uf1 and you have to buy the xfg but you only have 1000 and the car is like 5500 and people is starting to lose in trest
@Matthew: Have you ever check every .cs files on that open source cr00ze insim its really simple even my friend who started to code a insim he just notice it quickly without my guide. or been installed a MiCrOsOfT ViSuaL BaSiC ExPrEsS 2010 to edit the texts and codes on that InSiM?