hey! I made this movie only 2 days after buying LFS and the DFP I started out with the FOX as it allowed the "easiest" driving. I'm now back to the GTI and also FXO, once I can get them around the tracks fast enough I'm going for RWD roadcars, so far everything I tried with those ends up with very amateur drifts and most of the time leaving the track in the process .
Would LOVE to be able to drift, but need a lot of practice first
I agree the DFP are a great wheel .
Especially when you drive with 3 pedals (Gas, Brake and Clutch) and with manual gearshifting, like I do .
Unfortanetly I haven't got a "real" manual shifting device (for example Act Labs GPL USB Shifter), because it's too expensive for a 15 year old