I've got a new facial prosthetic (
example shot, not me!), false teeth, fake ears, liquid latex, face paints, fake blood, and a costume I've yet to sort out. That's for my house party the night before Hallowe'en. Been getting in some practise with the gore nights the rock club here runs:
Grey Purple. I should look much better than I did
last Hallowe'en.
For the scary night itself, there's a zombie walk in the town centre I'll be party of. The organisers are hoping it will be a thousand strong, but we'll see. I've a couple of foam latex wounds to stick on my face, more fake blood and face paints, and some torn clothing for that. Was at the one we had in the summer too:
far right top right
Yes, I've only one ripped t-shirt I use for everything.

Might sacrifice another white one to spice things up a bit.