Thanks for posting this, you explained it very good with the screenshots.
I've been racing in LFS for a few years now and this is really the most important 'bug' that has to be fixed. (for me)
With some friends I'm practicing every week now and we are racing very close to each other. When passing someone, we look in our mirrors to see if we have passed the other car already so we can go back in front of him. But then sometimes we hit each other when placing the car in front of the one you just passed. In the mirror you can see that there is enough room to go back in front of him, but in fact you just can't..
I don't know if there is something wrong with the distance you see in the mirror, but like the screenshots in this topic show you: the angle of the mirrors is not right.
This is very annoying and I would love to see this fixed. For this great simulation game we just need real functioning mirrors..
I'm sure the devs will agree with this and I really hope they will rebuild the working of the mirrors.
Hope to see this fixed in the near future!