This forums needs something like a trash bin. Then we should all be able to vote for the thread to go there, and if a moderator never brings it up, close it and let it die in there.
Hmm... I've forgotten about that one; havent tried it myself nor being on a server using that app - so can't comment. If its easy to configure, a link to its thread ( along with other "free" criuse insims can all be added with relevant info into the generic post...
what he needs its a officerbox like live to cruise cop system but i told him uh uh i have team to work with my insim so i rejected him on msn
EDITED: from what he needs is Officer Panels which he can see all players who are speeding so he can chase.
pfff like hell i would help tbh those are included in Live To Cruise cop system by clicking the chase (im cadet before in LTC so i know what is the style of officer panels)