The online racing simulator
Quote from :Can you put a randomizer on the track voting selection screen?

Well, I'm really not sure that would work, make people think a bit more. But I also think the complaints are justified to a certain extent, the voting actually limits the chosen and used tracks. I still believe the best way to deal with this problem would be to keep some kind of internal statistics, past vote results. Tracks being chosen too often could get negative initial votes, so that they will be harder and harder to get. I have a certain scheme in mind that could actually work. Now I need to create some test cases, make adjustments and incorporate it into Airio code...
hi it is possible to do this

for example:

make some driver:

XRT with automatic 30kg penalty in: X track ?

and it is possible to add more drivers with kg penalty?

kind regards
Quote from Neto_r :XRT with automatic 30kg penalty in: X track ? and it is possible to add more drivers with kg penalty?

The FULL version contains an automatic configurable system of handicaps, either safety or dynamic. Dynacaps may be used to equalize racing field, where the winner must put e.g. higher load into his car, while other drivers may keep the current load or make their cars lighter. Safecaps may be configured to require higher handicaps from people with low safety rating, making them slower with the possibility to improve rating and lose some weight or air restriction. However, these systems, when applied, are fully automatic and depend on car type, not a specific track. Also, currently there's no option to manually assign certain handicaps to specific drivers, though I guess it could be a worthy addition.
I've got two questions that have been bugging me for a while. I can't seem to get the !remove command to work? Is this for the pro version only? It doesn't seem to be listed as anything special. In 2.4.1 nothing happened at all when I used !remove. In 2.5 I receive error "Insufficient Rights."

Anyone know where I've gone wrong?

Oh - and if it were possible to remove the WR from the !top list with a switch (so that it displayed the way 2.4.1 did) or something I would really appreciate it.
Quote from GobLox :I can't seem to get the !remove command to work? Is this for the pro version only? It doesn't seem to be listed as anything special. In 2.4.1 nothing happened at all when I used !remove. In 2.5 I receive error "Insufficient Rights."

Open Airio.cfg.txt file, search for EnableStats item. Change the value from 5 to 4, save file, reload (!rld), check !a, all stats-manipulation commands will be there, and !remove will work.

Quote from GobLox :Oh - and if it were possible to remove the WR from the !top list with a switch (so that it displayed the way 2.4.1 did) or something I would really appreciate it.

Hm, right, adding the WR and BL times to the table was not as easy, I guess, as would be adding a switch to hide these special times. Valid request, I think, I'll try not to forget about it in 2.5.1...
Quote from EQ Worry :adding a switch to hide these special times.

I know I would appreciate it - it's nice to be able to say you're #1 on the server and actually have your name appear #1.

On a related note - and I could be mistaken - wasn't it possible to type !top while spectating and get the times for the cars that are actually in use on the track currently? On 2.5, without specifying a car or class, I just get the WR for XFG (because no one has run XFG on the track I imagine.)
If you type !top when you join the server then it will show the top times of the default car (found in tcd.txt DefaultCar= ), if however you have joined the track then typing !top will show the top times for the car in which you have joined. The tcd.txt has the XFG set as the default car..unless you change it.
Quote from GobLox :... wasn't it possible to type !top while spectating and get the times for the cars that are actually in use on the track currently? On 2.5, without specifying a car or class, I just get the WR for XFG (because no one has run XFG on the track I imagine.)

Anthoop (thanks!) answers quite right, but maybe more explanation will help.

By default all the commands working with a car type, such as !sb (!top), !pb (!stats) and other supply YOUR car if not specified otherwise. Once you join race with a car, your car type is known and used in these commands. But what if you only just connected to server and did not join race yet, what car type you have? It would be the type set by DefaultCar item, which exists in TCD file and also in SRV file. Using TCD setting you can make default car types depend on specific tracks, using SRV setting you may have one default car on each server (which is usually the better option).

In SRV file you'll find one more closely related item, StandardCars. If defined, the car type(s) set here will always be used in !sb (!top) and !tb (!ttop) commands, unless specified otherwise. This is good in case you have several equal car types available, say TBO or GTR. Once you set StandardCars=GTR on a specific server, anyone typing !sb will see a list of all the GTR cars lap times summarized. But anyone can also type !sb fxr and see only FXR. Using StandardCars item may be very advantageous. But even without it people can still type simply !sb gtr and get the same listing.

I hope this makes sense. On another note, many of you know the Airio documentation is not quite up-to-date. I think that instead of trying to explain every command and option one by one, which really is not possible, I will (when time allows) completely change the documentation, going for question/answer format...
Quote from GobLox :
Oh - and if it were possible to remove the WR from the !top list with a switch (so that it displayed the way 2.4.1 did) or something I would really appreciate it.

+1 on this
I just discovered a little bug

We dont have automatic track vote/change configured, so the administrators change the tracks manually. But when you type !track Airio says "Finished races since track load: 0" - but the track was loaded more than 1 hour ago and has only 2 laps race length - so finished races schould be atleast "10". On (with track vote) it counts correct, e.g. "4/5"

BTW could you implement an easier method to change the track? sometimes I'm not fast enough with the track command (e.g. typo) after the end command - sometimes they join and start the race again before i can hit enter

Regards, SJB
Why not have AIRI TRACKER LFS ADVANCING with an option for the Portuguese language (BRAZIL) in servers.
Quote from SJB :... But when you type !track Airio says "Finished races since track load: 0" - but the track was loaded more than 1 hour ago and has only 2 laps race length - so finished races schould be atleast "10".

You're right, I've been recently correcting this, but I'm not sure if it is already included in 2.5.0 or only in the upcoming 2.5.1. But good point, thx for the report!

Quote from SJB :BTW could you implement an easier method to change the track? sometimes I'm not fast enough with the track command (e.g. typo) after the end command - sometimes they join and start the race again before i can hit enter

Hmmm... Track can be changed only from the lobby (race end) screen. But maybe I could create a command such as !changetrack, !chtrack, or simply !chtr, that would end the current race and right after the race end screen appears it would call /track. This is how it works with rotations, so it should be possible to have such additional command. Or I could use simply !tr with track parameter, only maybe require a 3rd parameter as "yes" or "true" to make sure you really want to end the current race and "rotate". That would be a safety measure...

Quote from pjuniorbra :Why not have AIRI TRACKER LFS ADVANCING with an option for the Portuguese language (BRAZIL) in servers.

Though someone promised to create a PT translation of Airio user messages, the work was never finished. But essentially the work is simple, though time-consuming. You take Airio.msg.en.txt file, make a copy, rename the copy to Open the new file and start translating the messages. When done, at least with the important parts, just save the file (or upload to Airio folder), type !rld and PT will be available in !opt screen.
Airio stats page is not working. :sleep1:
Yes, due to provider troubles the ASP.NET pages where Autio (Airio World stats plus other tools) is running sometimes stop responding, but usually it takes just a few minutes and then everything works again. I'm regularly checking the site, but in case of some major provider troubles I'm usually not able to do anything anyway. But overall I think this service is pretty reliable...

I just played around with Custom Cars like FZ2 / XR2 / FX2, but they always get "Spectated for Bad Setup. Car type not allowed FZR" it doesn't display that only FZ2 etc is allowed. And after 5 bad setups they get kicked... 6 people were kicked

Couldn't it display that they have to use a intake restriction of x % (or additional mass of x kg)?
Or at least "Following car types allowed: FZ2 XR2 FX2. To watch the restrictions type !cars"

Regards, SJB
6 people were too stupid to realise that they needed to change something then.

You can adjust the spectate messages in the srv file.
Yeah but where should they read they cant use FXR / FZR / XRR when its clickable at the car choose screen?

Nothing displays that they have to use FZ2 / FZ3 / FZ4... So should they trial and error what is allowed atm?

And it doesnt display the BadHandicaps message, where i typed "Please check your handicaps." It displays the BadCartype message which i set to "Please use another car type" so they would try XRR instead of FZR and get again the message... I can't even write "type !cars and check required handicaps", cause they dont know FZ2 or FZ3 or FZn.

Nothing says u have to use FZ2/XR2/FX2 and what u have to do for this car type.

There should be an easy message "To drive this car please use x % intake restriction" depending on what is set at eg FZ2. Then I dont have to explain to 30ppl "hey u have to use 20% intake restriction with car A, 23% with car B, 25% with car C" they dont even read my messages cause the text scrolls fast because all try to join without intake restriction - so i changed back to "normal" cars.

BTW: We are not using the rank system - the admins set the allowed cars.

Regards, SJB
Well it should be displayed to the them in the "ButtnMotd=" when they connect, and also should be in the !info command. And when they join the wrong car, tell them to type !info for the correct restrictions. Go to cargame or [SR] GTAL to see how it's done

I don't think there's an easy way for EQ to implement something (maybe AllowedCars but who knows) so you just have to make it clear to people what they need to do.
I know cargame but on cargame u have enough time to look what you can drive next, cause you have enough time when you are working on a higher rank till you can drive them

But on our Server its just BAM this track, this cars (for all the same) and all "YAY GTRs available - hm wtf bad car options"

I want to try the RotateTracks feature (people are getting bored when no admins are online who change track/layout), but I have one question: is it possible to temporarily deactivate RotateTracks?

For example admins are online and we want some racing on BL3 or AU1 for some time, maybe 1hour, but after 5 races it would rotate to the next track.

Do we have to edit the server cfg everytime when we want to temporarily deactivate RotateTracks?

(And maybe automatically reactivate RotateTracks x minutes after the last Admin left - i know they will forget to turn it on again )

Regards, SJB
You can set config items temporarily by doing !cfg then the config item; if you want to go back to normal you can just do !rld to reload everything back to normal. (Pros Airio can do this at a certain time to ensure you don't forget).
And what should i set to deactivate it? !cfg RotateTracks="" ?

Regards, SJB

We are trying to run a multi-class event and we have defined custom cars and categories for this but for some reason lap times are not being recorded for some of the cars.

Also, the !cars command is not displaying the custom car definitions.

Any idea?

here are the TCD definitions.

CustomCars= FZ2|FZR,10,15 FZ1|FZR,0,55 XR2|XRR,3,15 FX2|FXR,55,0


Search in this thread for "CustomCars", I read something about lap time correcture yesterday

BTW: i had to do !aini for our custom UF2 (uf1 with 20% intake restriction )

Regards, SJB
I did !aini and actually stopped and started Airio a number of times and nothing.

doing the suggested search.

AIRIO - Advanced LFS Tracker
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