The online racing simulator
Such situations drive me away from trying to give help to demo users... -.-
Quote from broken :Such situations drive me away from trying to give help to demo users... -.-

HAHA, I told you in MSN, this was gonna happen

Thats why I asked, what track/car

I should be admin here tbh, catching 5+ crackers makes me a pro! Joke.
Quote from PoVo :HAHA, I told you in MSN, this was gonna happen

Thats why I asked, what track/car

I should be admin here tbh, catching 5+ crackers makes me a pro! Joke.

Hardly a pro.

Lithuanian demo users are almost always crackers.
Quote from DevilDare :Hardly a pro.

Lithuanian demo users are almost always crackers.

Shush, I nearly got Mod rights here
dang AS5 on demo lol :something :bananalla
Hello guys I'm having problem... I can't login into a server with admin and i can't seem to get replace the Uf1 with Xfg
Quote from Vepr :Hello guys I'm having problem... I can't login into a server with admin and i can't seem to get replace the Uf1 with Xfg

Make sure that the admin field in the server config file doesn't have 2 front slashes in front of it, but just 1. Then, you have to enter that pass in the password field when you are about to join the server.

About replacing UF1 with XFG... I guess that's one quite major change in the application, so I can't really give you exact information.
well with the one slash it i get an error when starting a server saying something about parameter 2 is invalid

For the cars well i tried replacing the uf1 in the fileinfo.cs but it's no use it started the server with that car.

The compiler works since i was able to change the website and the welcome message on the server.
Quote from Vepr :well with the one slash it i get an error when starting a server saying something about parameter 2 is invalid

make sure that there actually is an admin password set there


aha so that means no spaces.. great it worked thanks.. and i downloaded the 1.0.3 and basically started with a fresh fileinfo.cs and it worked. Great mod can't wait to build more on it.
Quote from Vepr :Hello guys I'm having problem... I can't login into a server with admin and i can't seem to get replace the Uf1 with Xfg

The UF1 is a demo car?
(Silverracer) DELETED by Silverracer : Wait, was that a trap?
Quote from Dygear :The UF1 is a demo car?

probably he got a crack'o jack off

but helps a bit on fileinfo.cs
Quote from Dygear :The UF1 is a demo car?

I think he is asking how to change UF1 to XFG so demo users will be able to play with XFG
Quote from Dygear :The UF1 is a demo car?

Come on -.- ..If this guy turns out to be a cracker, I'll seriously quit helping any demo users.. But really, I think he is asking how to do it in the application.. Or at least I really really really do hope so. ;d
Here get my old insim i'm using the v1.0.3 version with distance
only works on BL1!! if u use on other tracks the GUI will do something darker
Attached files
uf1 and xfg.rar - 1.7 MB - 1253 views
Hello.My friend have a cruise server.But the insim aplication is in english but he wants it in bulgarian.I can translate it from english to bulgarian but i dont know what file i need to change.Can you please tell me ?
ehhh... Form1?
Good Luck!
And Happy Halloween
Hi!How to change Welcome to the [RF] Server! to own text? and own website
Quote from polishdrift :Hi!How to change Welcome to the [RF] Server! to own text? and own website

Quote from dougie-lampkin :[...]
However, if you do not understand even basic programming concepts or are unfamiliar with InSim and/or .NET, then this is not for you. In the current state you will need to modify the source in order to get it to work as you wish. There is also no documentation aside from the code itself.
and with no warranty or support whatsoever! I will try and help you if you ask an intelligent question, but please don't try and use this if you have no C# experience.
Once again, this is a very large starting block to run your own cruise server. You will need at least basic understanding of programming concepts and what the InSim protocol is and can do, to take it further. There is little documentation aside from the code itself. If you do not heed this and at least try, then you will not get assistance. [...]


What I'm trying to say is this: Try it yourself first. Google about C# tutorials for starters. Then, when you are on something at least slightly bigger than changing text, ask a question.
Hi again.I tryed to translate this insim to bulgarian language but when i enter the server ... language is still in english.I put ^C infront every line that can be translated and still nothing.Can you help me ?
When you apply changes to the source, they don't apply to the built exe immediately. You have to build your project again.

And if you didn't have that flag next to your username, I'd probably just tell you to look back in the pages. Just saying.
@Broken: I think he means for every string he found he added a ^C in front of it, expecting the English that is written after the ^C to be translated into bulgarian.

@Subsense: You have to do more then add the ^C to every line in the source code and recompile. You yourself have to translate this into your language, simply just adding ^C to the string will make the game will do this for you.
I translated it finally.Afer that i relpaced uf1 with xrg so i can be able to play on demo.But now is my other question. Is there bank or lotary on Bl1 and if yes.Where are they ? Thanks