The online racing simulator
This is why I'd hate to be a developer. You state "... at the end of October" and people get upset if you stray into November slightly (even though the beginning of November is at the end of October.

Pedants must be the worst customers in the world for game and app devs.
Quote from DeKo :With proper G suits, i reckon the F1 drivers could cope with driving that car, you have to remember that they're pulling 5G just now with no G suits at all.

Maybe yes, but for prolonged times of race, i dont think they can do it...
Quote from DeKo :With proper G suits, i reckon the F1 drivers could cope with driving that car, you have to remember that they're pulling 5G just now with no G suits at all.

What kind of G-suit would fight the effects of lateral G? Through a long corner there'd be all sorts of problems with blood being drawn to one side of the brain/body, and no g-suit can do anything about that. They'd need head-braces too. I suppose they wouldn't be in those corners for quite as long, though

This is just.....
This reminds me some Sim race and a vw car...
(DevilDare) DELETED by DevilDare
What VW Car?
I knew that
That's probably going to be in GT5 anyway
Quote from speed1230 :I knew that
That's probably going to be in GT5 anyway

I bet it won't be. In the released package that is, maybe as DLC though.
Collector's Edition bonus - I'm putting in preorder in now

The improved visuals and fireworks on Toscana
Grass, lighting, better trees, 3D spectators that take photos etc
Or it could be a different track. The fireworks were first shown on the RedBull TGS "horsepower" trailer.

Tree lovers rejoice
Quote from Gills4life :You're really clutching at straws now. I can't believe you would actually go to the effort of overlaying both of the pictures to prove a point that no one really cares about and most would disagree with. Go outside or something, use your time more wisely.

It takes 30 sec, slightly longer than what you need to post.
Fair enough :worried: But still, do you ever have anything positive to say about GT5? I know you're attempting to be a bit of a troll but surely it can't seriously all be bad to you!?
I guess he hates consoles generally and hates the idea that he has to buy a PS3 for GT5.
Quote from JJ72 :I don't think G suit will do, fighter pilots in heavily banked turns are fighting vertical Gs, but F1 drivers in corners face pure laterial G, the neck simply won't coupe with it. well before dedicated training and some freak of nature prove otherwise.

From watching the on-boards, the drivers only see the peak G loads for a split second.

As opposed to say... a Red Bull air race where the pilots might see 5+ Gs for several seconds. Even they dramatize the peak G "10.5 G !!!" but that is only for a split second too.
I love reading the GT5 Boards. Its such a resemblance between them and us when it comes to release dates.
Quote from Sueycide_FD :I love reading the GT5 Boards. Its such a resemblance between them and us when it comes to release dates.

At least they know they are waiting for something :worried:
Quote from CoolColJ :

What is this? Is that both co-driver and driver of the Ford going to get out of their cars and go to see the fireworks?
I never understand why in most damage models these days after the side of the car gets a hit the doors open... RBR had it too - was the first if I remember rightly.

Don't doors usually dent and cave in a bit? I'm certain I've never seen a car (rally or race) with a door open after contact... Although thinking about it, it happened in the BTCC once a couple of years back with Rob Collard, but my point is, doors don't fly open as often or as easily as these games suggest it does after damage!
I hope so... Otherwise I probably will go in rage mode... :gnasher: just sent me an email saying December 31st release and delivery.

Quote :[email protected] to me
3:30 AM (5 hours ago)


We have received new release date information related to your pre-ordered video game in the order you placed on June 22 2010 (Order# 102-0065192-1404250). The release date for the video game listed below has been changed by the publisher, and we want to provide you with a new delivery estimate based on the new release date:

"Gran Turismo 5"
Release date: December 31 2010
Estimated arrival date: December 31 2010

If you would like to learn more about pre-ordering video games from, including when you can expect to receive your new video game, please visit our help page ( ... amp;nodeId=468582#release).

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by this delay.

Bottomline here is, NO ONE KNOWS YET.

Gran Turismo 5
(7732 posts, started )