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Trying to purchase Britain
(126 posts, started )
Trying to purchase Britain
Well **** me someone (possibly the vatican) is offering to pay off all of Britians debts for what appears to be nothing in return.

Quote :Lord James of Blackheath:
For the past 20 weeks I have been engaged in a very strange dialogue with the two noble Lords [Sassoon and Strathclyde], in the course of which I have been trying to bring to their attention the willing availability of a strange organisation which wishes to make a great deal of money available to assist the recovery of the economy in this country. For want of a better name, I shall call it foundation X. That is not its real name, but it will do for the moment.

Well lets decide whether or not this is a good thing or a bad thing. It could fix all of the problems this country is facing. Apparently the Vatican have large reserves

Quote :
The total value of the Vatican bank reserves would claim to be more than the entire value of gold ever mined in the history of the world. My point on all of this is that we have not proven any of this. Foundation X is saying at this moment that it is prepared to put up the entire £5 billion for the funding of the three Is recreation; the British Government can have the entire independent management and control of it-foundation X does not want anything to do with it; there will be no interest charged; and, by the way, if the British Government would like it as well, if it will help, it will be prepared to put up money for funding hospitals, schools, the building of Crossrail immediately with £17 billion transfer by Christmas, if requested, and all these other things.

Sorce: http://www.publications.parlia ... 1-0003.htm#10110215000101

I personally hope this works out well. Imagine if suddenly over night all Britains problems were gone. With aid like this we could regain our status of world power. Hell we could probably surpass the USA with technology. Imagine the army we could build up if we had no debt and a benefactor which could afford to pay for anything we wanted.

BTW I saw this on ... e-lord-james-foundation-x
You won't regain your status as a world power. You have been reduced from having 1/2 the ****ing planet, into having a island the size of a postage stamp.
#3 - dadge
and the people who gave you the money will get the world power status. you know you're getting it tight when Africa decides that they'll hold a rock concert for the UK. lol
Trolls Gonna Troll.
Quote from Jeffrey Dahmer :Trolls Gonna Troll.

Well if that is directed at me, one thing without us the USA would not exist.
Yeah, which would be a good thing. USA shouldn't exist.
Quote from Luke.S :Well if that is directed at me, one thing without us the USA would not exist.

No that would be directed at the trolls above our posts and below your previous post and above this one. Canada is like a girly version of the USA.
That's Okay;

USA is just a fat Canada.
Quote from Jeffrey Dahmer :No that would be directed at the trolls above our posts and below your previous post and above this one. Canada is like a girly version of the USA.

Ah ok glad to know.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :That's Okay;

USA is just a fat Canada.

And don't forget, we're racist bigots too.

For those with low sarcasm radar /sarcasm
Quote from legoflamb :And don't forget, we're racist bigots too.

What about the belief that all muslims are terrorists!
My girlfriend is actually Muslim and she's the bomb in bed.

Har Har, too easy.
Quote from Jeffrey Dahmer :Trolls Gonna Troll.

Wake me up when you contribute usefully to a thread. Your current 19 posts have been nothing but trolling or useless spam.

Quote from Jeffrey Dahmer :No that would be directed at the trolls above our posts and below your previous post and above this one. Canada is like a girly version of the USA.

i don't mind being called a troll when i'm trolling. but to say we're trolling in this thread really shows how much of a grasp you have on communicating...
Quote from Jeffrey Dahmer : My girlfriend is actually Muslim and she's the bomb in bed.

we know. now that's how I troll.
Quote from Jeffrey Dahmer :

Har Har, too easy.

i wouldn't say she's easy...
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Wake me up when you contribute usefully to a thread. Your current 19 posts have been nothing but trolling or useless spam.

Trolls Gonna Troll, Haters Gonna Hate.
Quote from dadge :
we know.

I saw the video even... I didn't even know they made dicks that small!
Quote from dadge :I don't mind being called a troll when I'm trolling. But to say we're trolling in this thread really shows how much of a grasp you have on communicating.

Buy a keyboard with a functioning caps lock key and try to use the built in spell checker which helps corrects grammar errors too.

I've corrected you this time, but next time I expect you to do this all by your little self, considering I am 12 and have perfect grammar and spelling I expect you to have the same even if you are 3 years younger than myself.

Trolls Gonna Troll bro.
#19 - 5haz
Sounds like the world's most ambitious bank detail fraud in the making. All we need is your bank details and we will wire the money immediately.
Quote from Jeffrey Dahmer :Buy a keyboard with a functioning caps lock key and try to use the built in spell checker which helps corrects grammar errors too.

I've corrected you this time, but next time I expect you to do this all by your little self, considering I am 12 and have perfect grammar and spelling I expect you to have the same even if you are 3 years younger than myself.

Trolls Gonna Troll bro.

generic responce from a noob troll. try again.

Quote from Jeffrey Dahmer :Buy a keyboard with a functioning caps lock key and try to use the built in spell checker which helps corrects grammar errors too.

I've corrected you this time, but next time I expect you to do this all by your little self, considering I am 12 and have perfect grammar and spelling I expect you to have the same even if you are 3 years younger than myself.

Trolls Gonna Troll bro.

might want to go over that bit. there's one more in there too, but i'll let you find it now fetch. good boy.
Quote from dadge :generic responce from a noob troll. try again.

The word is spelled 'Response' something I will no longer do to an obvious imbecile such as yourself with the old 'I've done your GF' stuff, shows your maturity and intelligence is close to non existent.

Quote from dawesdust_12 :What about the belief that all muslims are terrorists!

All Muslims are terrorists! See you already know the truth!

Let me feed the troll!! also /sarcasm
I don't think 12 year olds have girlfriends.. nor are they adults (as you claimed you are in the Post your GF thread).

Your move
Quote from Jeffrey Dahmer :The word is spelled 'Response' something I will no longer do to an obvious imbecile such as yourself with the old 'I've done your GF' stuff, shows your maturity and intelligence is close to non existent.


you seem to have a short term memory problem. it was you who made the joke about your girlfriend. we just agreed with you.
you've also got a few grammar mistakes in that post. you might want to drop the grammar/spelling card because your own isn't that great either.
and before i forget, BUY S2!
#25 - 5haz
Quote from Jeffrey Dahmer :The word is spelled 'Response' something I will no longer do to an obvious imbecile such as yourself with the old 'I've done your GF' stuff, shows your maturity and intelligence is close to non existent.


Because using standard responses and hackneyed memes is really mature.

Quote from dawesdust_12 :having a island the size of a postage stamp.

Ahem, 9th largest isle in the world I'll have you know, 9th!

Trying to purchase Britain
(126 posts, started )