The online racing simulator
Trying to purchase Britain
(126 posts, started )
Quote from dawesdust_12 :That's banned for people who didn't get outright banned for cracking.

Normally the mods just revoke posting priviledges with infractions.

I'd say posting picture's of ripped apart dead bodies is far worse than cracking
When did that happen?
Some 30mins ago or something.
hey... where can u see the ban reasons as a public user?!! i didn't know you could do that ... unless of course you are him in which case... hmmmmmm

And yes, very dodgy image, He'll probably be back in 10 days, If its more of the same then he can be gone for good, (after the usual mutiple accounts rubbish of course...)
Well, excuse me for not being on the internet while I drive!
Quote from franky500 :hey... where can u see the ban reasons as a public user?!! i didn't know you could do that

You can't

Quote :... unless of course you are him in which case... hmmmmmm

Why would I do that? I'm hardly the mum joking, dead body posting type am I? Besides, I wanna come to the LFS Kart meet next year. It would hardly help me making any friends there

Also, not the game. But check IP's?
So am i missing something here...!!! I know im tired and have not done any moderation recently but now i'm confused!
Depends on what kind of friends you were hoping to make!

(I dont knw either wehere to see the ban.. I think he's excercising which craft.. or he's scawen)
Am I the only person who doesnt understand this thread?

Even the OP: Somebody thinks that the vatican is buying Britain so that we can build an army and take over the world?

And now... I'm just lost.

Utterly lost.
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Depends on what kind of friends you were hoping to make!

Not serial killers that for sure :P
First thing i did was check the IP's and made sure they were tied in with an ISP and not just a proxy server Seb, But can you just clear up where you managed to get hold of that Ban Reason?

Like i said... Confused!
Backtrace me and see what happens
Quote from Becky Rose :Am I the only person who doesnt understand this thread?

Even the OP: Somebody thinks that the vatican is buying Britain so that we can build an army and take over the world?

And now... I'm just lost.

Utterly lost.

all you english speeking countrys suck. and to becky, if i have missed sarcasm ignore, the british vatican, whatever that is, is going help the funding of they reserves to the british government. this means, in theory, that economy will better off and no more budget cuts.
Quote from franky500 :First thing i did was check the IP's and made sure they were tied in with an ISP and not just a proxy server Seb, But can you just clear up where you managed to get hold of that Ban Reason?

Like i said... Confused!

This jeffory fella is on my msn contacts list and told me.
Quote from Seb66 :This jeffory fella is on my msn contacts list and told me.

So... What you are saying is you are not the " mum joking, dead body posting type", But are more than happy to be associated with the type,

Quote from Jeffrey Dahmer :Backtrace me and see what happens

How did you get back here!!..... (/me re-bans)
Whoa! Who said anything about associating? I had my suspicions and when I asked, I got answers . I had Arox on my msn when he got banned from lfsforum, that doesn't mean I was assosiated with it
(CSF) DELETED by CSF : meh trolling not good :P
So nobody wants to talk about the topic?

It's the first time I've heard the Vatican being mentioned in relation to this story, and honestly I'd find it strange if it is the Vatican given the reaction in the UK to the pope's recent visit.

I've heard Bill Gates mentioned, but why the UK?

If it's a true story then it's a ****ing odd one.
It's pretty hard to discuss it tbh Kev, i've googled and found nothing - I dont have a telly, and none of the papers seem to be leading with it on their web sites. There seems no way to discuss it from an informed stand point, or it's wishful thinking.

I did find articles relating to us bailing out Greece, and us bailing out RBS again and some other bank because apparently they need £40bn plus between them because we didn't give them enough last time, allegedly.

These are not good times to have money sitting in a bank account, that's all I know, but it doesn't bother me because I don't have any.
Is it stashed under your bed?

Uhmm where do you live again Becky?

Thankfully I am in -pounds in ym bank and as it was the banks fault they cannot do anything and are trying to challenge me. Maybe I am the reason why the bank are "in debt" haha
Quote from Becky Rose :It's pretty hard to discuss it tbh Kev, i've googled and found nothing - I dont have a telly, and none of the papers seem to be leading with it on their web sites. There seems no way to discuss it from an informed stand point, or it's wishful thinking.

Yeah all I'm finding are tongue-in-cheek opinion pieces. Ah well. Still, I will laugh if our country gets 419ed.
After reading the opening post (interesting) and reading through the rest of the thread (pointless and a complete waste of time but interesting as well), I've come to thing this is either a lie or a scam, or both.

Dear David Cameron,

I don't think Mr Ahmed Tanja from the Bank Of Africa wants to really bail out the UK.
One possible scenario would be an expansion to what's currently happening in the US, a massive infrastructure sell off.

And, given that there is no British Soverignty any more I'm sure your debtors will approve a fire sale of Britain.

If your going to borrow money to give your bankers then sooner or later the people you have borrowed from will want paying, and if Europe can make money from flogging off Britain then they will.

It's good to see that Britain has it's sharpest minds negotiating a great deal ( For someone ) ... nds-buying-infrastructure

Middle Eastern countries have taken their oil profits and created sovereign wealth funds, which Taibbi compares to the most aggressive Wall Street hedge fund on steroids. Those funds, armed with trillions in cash reserves, have sought to stake a claim in America through investments in infrastructure.
Those funds have either purchased or tried to invest in everything from the Pennsylvania Turnpike to parking meters in Chicago, Pittsburgh, Nashville and Los Angeles to toll roads in Indiana.
In fact, some experts have concluded that by 2018, those sovereign wealth funds could invest as much as $15 trillion in American assets. However, the true number may never actually be known because of the secrecy involved with the funds. Oftentimes, the lawmakers that must approve the purchases have no idea who the real investors are.
“This is a process of a country systematically divesting itself of bits and pieces of its own sovereignty, and it's taking place without really anyone noticing it happening — often not even the people asked to vote formally on the issue,” Taibbi writes.
Don't sell yourselves Britain! At least not in order to get some other things done.

Britain is full of lovely people, which we would not want to lose!

Trying to purchase Britain
(126 posts, started )