The online racing simulator
-OsR- Old skool Racing
(115 posts, started )
Quote from Ales_M :lol , mkeey.... :noob:

Haha, what's so weird about that? You were never around as much as Rep was.
You were busy with 42D and OM, and all those projects.
Quote :But we had only one serious person, and that was Rep. And 1 person isn't enough when the server gets a tad busier

Yeah Rep, kept the racing in good order, i thought he was training up a few ROs
Yes I was but some then didn't go on LFS again. Only trial RO who's still on it was Shaun who I was still training until the server expired
Sadly, if -OsR- return I might not be able to continue my role as a Race Official since I have no time on my hands these days
If -OsR- returns, we need to get some decent ROs asap otherwise when it gets very busy it all gets out of control
Will have to wait and see who Broken decides on going with,

Maybe all those times and numerous VPS i rented, isnt good enough to keep the serer going?

"the cruise server would be different to the rest, thats if the FBI bit is finished

No, I'm not saying that the VPSs and servers you had rented weren't good enough. But the insim wasn't finished, we had almost no management, and now I don't want you to rent a server again, so we can just see it die the same way again.

And you have to understand me too here - if I did make enough money from these projects(and I don't make any) so I could live my life and pay the servers, I'd keep developing them, but right now, my job is more important than that. Also, soon, my uni exams will be even more important, and I have no idea what I'm gonna do if I have to be entirely honest with you.

Sorry for sharing personal stuff like that, but at least now you know, why I don't want to be serious with these projects. I'm trying to find time to make some progress on them, but sometimes, I just can't.
OK - maybe if I could have a go at developing it - I probably should start coding again xD. I used to be OK - I really need to revise.
Is anyone using the OsR insim now, not seen it around anywhere ?
Don't know - still can't wait for a reboot of OsR .
Am willing to help, and maybe there could be a sort of merger with Storm (who have the name and reputation) and OsR (who have the activity, commitment and great server.) I was a race official on OsR too .
Okay, the server is up again. BUT: I can't seem to access the database.

Mick, could I ask you to back it up and upload it on the specified URL in your PM, please.

Or, Skype will do the job too, if you will.
The DB is back! YAY.
Quote :Mick, could I ask you to back it up and upload it on the specified URL in your PM, please.


-OsR- Old skool Racing
(115 posts, started )