I've got a weird problem with LFS/my connection in general
I can browse fine at 500 kb/s up until a random point, then the speed plummets to 10-15kb/s then picks up again to about 220kb/s.
LFS-wise I can ping servers in the server list fine, they show up at 108ms minimum. Turning Steam/MSN/other background stuff off makes the pings worse (128-150ms vs 108ms). Every time I hit refrsh in LFS I get anywhere between 42-150ms for pings each time, seen up to 400ms at times. I currently have Steam DLing FEAR at 200kb/s however, when I went to post this it dropped to 5 kb/s
I can browse fine at 500 kb/s up until a random point, then the speed plummets to 10-15kb/s then picks up again to about 220kb/s.
LFS-wise I can ping servers in the server list fine, they show up at 108ms minimum. Turning Steam/MSN/other background stuff off makes the pings worse (128-150ms vs 108ms). Every time I hit refrsh in LFS I get anywhere between 42-150ms for pings each time, seen up to 400ms at times. I currently have Steam DLing FEAR at 200kb/s however, when I went to post this it dropped to 5 kb/s