Lag Problems - Detailed
(3 posts, started )
Lag Problems - Detailed
I'm hoping someone can help me with lag problems.

I have a 512/128k ADSL connection running through a WRT54G wireless broadband router, but through the cable, not wireless. Its plugged into an Alcatel Speed Touch Home ADSL modem.

My PC is an Athlon XP 2000+, 1GB RAM, nVidia Geforce 4 Ti 4200 video card with 128MB RAM. I'm driving using a Logitech Wingman Formula Force GP wheel using logitech drivers.

I'm getting around 55 FPS in the game, and changing settings doesn't change this much.

Other people online complain that I lag a lot, and as a result are always crashing into me, ruining my race and theirs.

Before anyone tells me to stop downloading stuff, the only other app i have running usually is mIRC, and not on a particularly busy channel anyway. I even ran Ethereal to make sure some crazy spyware wasn't stealing my bandwidth without me knowing.

I have run pings on the server while i was racing and the average was 68ms, although with a couple of dropped packets.

Is there anyway to display your current server connection ping? I've enabled the network debug mode (Shift-F8), but I'm not sure what the data means and can't find any doc for it.

Feel free to get technical with any responses, I have an honours degree in Computer Science .
The ping meter on the bottom left of the screen is what you're looking for, mostly. Theres an article on the LFSWiki about it, in detail. Basically the higher these are, the worse your connection.

Seeing as you're in Austrialia, I'd guess that you might be logging onto servers which are a fair distance away - as there arent that many which are available in the southern hemisphere

If you are connecting to "local" servers (I've noticed usually a ping below 40 indicates this in LFS) and still get this, I'd suggest trying an upgrade/downgrade on your WRT54G - my entire home network runs linksys stuff, and I've found only certain firmware revisions work properly - or at least work without breaking other things.
Thanks for the heads up on the latency graph.

The servers I'm on are in Australia, here is an example.

This was while I was playing on that server.

Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 1135, Received = 1119, Lost = 16 (1% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 43ms, Maximum = 402ms, Average = 49ms

The green bar in the latency graph (me) seems to be higher than the other bars.

Lag Problems - Detailed
(3 posts, started )