The online racing simulator
Logitech Wheels rotation range adjustment from within LFS
Having origined here, I've turned that little idea of mine into something that actually works.

LogiWheelRange allows you to change wheel range of Logitech wheels that support it directly from LFS using InSim and some registry trickery. You can either specify the wheel range directly or use the "wheel turn" value in Options->Controls menu in LFS.

There are few limitations to the approach I use, the worst is the need to minimize and restore LFS window to make Logitech Profiler pick up the altered wheel range. Fortunately, LWR can do that for you and it works quite well. Also the Logitech Profiler has to be running to make this app work.

However, I _strongly_ suggest that you read the readme file before using this app. If you're interested how it works, check out the source or read the respective thread in the LFS Programmers Section.

EDIT: 13/11/2010 Version 0.03 Uploaded
- LWR now accepts local commands only (commands have been changed accordingly, see the readme for details)

EDIT: 6/11/2010: Version 0.02 Uploaded
- Fixed a problem with "Error code 234" during registry probing (thanks DarkKostas)
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I'll give this a shot tomorrow, I've been waiting for something like this to come along.
I have set everything correctly but here is what i get.
Quote :
LogiWheelRange v.:0.01 starting...
InSim address:
InSim port: 29999
Admin password:
Auto AltTab: 1
Restore delay: 1000
Beginning registry probe...
Total subkeys found: 2
Probing subkey with index 0
Note: Cannot find DWORD OperatingRange in subkey name DrivingForce
Probing subkey with index 1
Note: Cannot find DWORD OperatingRange in subkey name G27
Critical: No registry entries for supported wheels have been found!
Bailing out!
(profiler is Greek, but its not that hard to understand, all profilers have same format)

EDIT: Im using Windows XP SP3 and last version of profiler 5.10.127 6/14/2010
Thanks for the info, if anyone else gets this error, can you please take a look at "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Logitech\Gaming Software\GlobalDeviceSettings" key in regedit? (Start->Run->regedit or WinKey+R->regedit). I need to know what subkeys are in there and what values they contain.

I expected something like that to happen as I have tested this app with DFP only. It should be pretty easy to adapt for other wheels, but I need some information to do it...
There are only 2 folders, DrivingForce and G27 and both of them are empty(only containing [Default] REG_SZ)
I'd say that's kind of unusual. If you create DWORD OperatingRange in the G27 key manually and set it to some valid value (90 - 900), does it change the wheel range in control panel or Profiler?
Other than that, you might try to look around the registry and check if the wheel range is stored somewhere else.
I didn't tried your program. But I want to inform that my G25 under Windows7 has that registry key
I had G25 and now I have G27 installed on this PC and both folders have registry values. Operating Range included.
Great one this add-on !

Definitely need to test this, I'll post when I do
I got this error:

E:\Hry\Live for Speed\LFS Z28>LogiWheelRange.
LogiWheelRange v.:0.01 starting...
InSim address:
InSim port: 29999
Admin password:
Auto AltTab: 1
Restore delay: 1000
Beginning registry probe...
Critical: Cannot open HKCR\Software\Logitech\Gaming Software\GlobalDeviceSettings
Error code returned: 2
Bailing out!

E:\Hry\Live for Speed\LFS Z28>pause
Pokračujte stisknutím libovolné klávesy...

Run regedit and check if a key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Logitech\Gaming software" exists. If it does, check it's contents and let me know. What Windows version are you running? Is the Logitech Gaming Software properly installed?
There is a "WingMan Software" folder only in the "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Logitech" directory. And I have a Windows XP Professional SP2.
You have to install Logitech Gaming Software with Logitech Profiler to make LWR work. If I recall correctly, Logitech Wingman was an old version of Logitech tool for managing gaming devices which has been replaced by LGS.
OK, I've just installed LGS 5.10.127 and now it says another error.
Quote :
Cannot find DWORD OperatingRange in subkey name G25
No registry entries for supported wheels have been found!

And in the registry, there is ReInstalled key with value of 1.
This can happen when LGS doesn't properly generate values in the registry. Unplugging and replugging your wheel when LGS is running or changing some wheel settings (range, combined pedals) in Control Panel should make LGS generate them correctly.
Hmm, I tried re-installing the software and re-plugging it and it's interesting, that it says that the hardware was not installed properly in the windows bubble in the bottom right corner, although the wheel works OK. And still no change in the registry.

Have you uninstalled the old Logitech software before installing LGS? Another option you can try is creating DWORD OperatingRange value in G25 subkey manually and giving it some valid value (from 90 to 900 I think).
Yes, I have uninstalled the old one.

Now it seems that all registry folders & keys are OK but still an error...

Quote :Cannot find DWORD OperatingRange in subkey name DrivingForce
Probing subkey with index 1
Non-critical: No registry entries for supported wheels have been found!

But I have a G25, not DrivingForce :scratch:
There should be at least two keys, DrivingForce and G25. DrivingForce is always there because the wheel connects in compatibility mode first, if Logitech drivers are present it then switches to "full" mode. If you don't see the G25 key, something has apparently gone wrong with LGS. Perhaps complete uninstall, deleting leftover registry keys and new installation would fix that.
I see a G25 key, yes.
Which doesn't contain any values I guess. Try creating DWORD OperatingRange in there manually (rightclick in the right side of the regedit window, New > DWORD Value). It might work, it might not...
No no, it does contain all values like CombinedPedalsEnable, GameSettingsEnable, OperatingRange etc.
If it does, LWR should work fine then... Can you post the whole LWR output if you're still having problems?
Here it is:
E:\Hry\Live for Speed\LFS Z28>LogiWheelRange.exe
LogiWheelRange v.:0.01 starting...
InSim address:
InSim port: 29999
Admin password:
Auto AltTab: 1
Restore delay: 1000
Beginning registry probe...
Total subkeys found: 2
Probing subkey with index 0
Note: Cannot find DWORD OperatingRange in subkey name DrivingForce
Probing subkey with index 1
Non-critical: Error while probing subkey name G25
Error code returned: 234
Critical: No registry entries for supported wheels have been found!
Bailing out!

E:\Hry\Live for Speed\LFS Z28>pause
Pokračujte stisknutím libovolné klávesy...

Oh, I see it... I've uploaded version 0.02 few days ago, this issue should be fixed there...