apart from the subject matter of your skins, if they took you many weeks you really should leave skins to people who either have a bit of ability or aren't trying to do image work on an abacus
LOLOLOLOLOLOL he's so dumb. Then again anyone who has boobs and butts on their skins and get a message from devs explaining why they cant use them and STILL dont understand are idiots.
O really? When you said "sou to proste kundy ty developeri nebo jak si rikaj", which clearly means "the developers, or how they call themselves, are c*nts".
just notice that how he can speak CZE if his location writes ' London ' probably just another guy hacking some accounts acting like his own accnt i think.
i speak check and also english, so hot huh? you speak just your mom learned you and nothing more. i also know about 10 languages! i am the biggest & the best