The online racing simulator
Attempted to buy S2 with Moneybookers [OK]
Well, I made a 27.68 euros (since that's 24 GBP) bank transfer on LFS's Moneybookers account. the bank form my bank's online money transfer thing didn't have a dedicated "reference box", so I entered that reference/user ID number thing in my bank form's comment box as follows "Reference: [my reference]", is this the correct syntax? The form also didn't have any input box for that SWIFT code thingy so I didn't supply that on the form. Is that bad?
I hope my purchase will be processed correctly!
Thank you, I'll try that.
SWIFT code is an international bank transfer code. I'm afraid it fails without it, but we'll see.
It said the receiver bank was located in Brussels though, which is the capital of my country, so maybe the SWIFT was optional for me? Is that possible?
You could also create a PayPal account, this however takes some time to be activated.

You can connect this to either Credit Card and have fast activation, or connect it to normal bank card, and have slow activation.

It is however used for many websites and simulators nowadays, so it could be easy to get.
Well the money I transfered did make its way into my Moneybooks account! But it looks like transfering exactly 24GBP wasn't a good idea since Moneybookers kept 0.75 GBP to themselves, eventhough the website claimed that bank transfers are free.
Transfers are free but they do overcharge currency change... unlucky
Sweet, the purchase is successful!
welcome to the world of S2 degraaff ^^