The online racing simulator
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(6 posts, closed, started )
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#2 - axus
I've always thought that you should do certain tests before you are allowed to drive online.

I believe that the following tests should be done before being able to access Multiplayer:

> A Slalom course to test your ability to control a car. There should be a line drawn somewhere - ie. you have to do a certain time that shows that you didnt just go through at 1kph.

> A Pitstop test simmilar to the one with the GTT in Training. Again, there should be a time limit.

> The Blackwood race with AI in one of the cars (GTi would probably be best)

This will raise online standars as many bashers would not be able to acomplish these tasks but all drivers that have the potential to race online will be able to do them.
#3 - ajp71
A pitstop test is a waste of time, anyone who wants to race seriously is not going to have difficulty making a pitstop, and a race with the AI is not the same as a race online.
#4 - axus
Have you ever tried entering the pits behind a car that doesn't know where it is going or had someone park in the middle of the track and start asking why his car isn't moving? That would help with such issues.
Erm i think i should piont out this particular thread is simply a figment of my stupidity

the pitstop test is rather irritating but it's neccecary to do a pit run at least once before a noob goes online and careers into the pit at 100 and wipes a few unsespecting punters out, it's not a biggie but neither is the test
#6 - ajp71
I don't see what the possible problem with the pitstop could be,

Pitspeed 48mph, limiter L, there lesson done.

Why waste hours of the devs time on creating another lesson? Maybe you've had experience of people making mistakes in the pitstops, but I've only seen intentional wipeouts (which a lesson isn't going to stop).
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(6 posts, closed, started )