The online racing simulator
Baltic Cup 2011: Round 1 (Info & Discussion)

Time: 21:00 (UTC +2)
Car(s): UF1
Track: FE2r (Fern Bay Green reversed)
Laps: 28
Server name: EER
Server password: baltic11
Pitstop: 1 Mandatory (free work)

Everyone should get in the server 10 minutes before 21:00, so we could set up the grid and start on time.
Good luck and let's have fun!

Layout for the qualification:
DOWNLOAD (The layout is mandatory, if it won't be used, there will be +1sec to each racers qualifying time.)

Qualifying dates for round 1:
Date: 28.11.2010.
Time: 20:00 - 21:00
Server: EER
Password: est

Date: 29.11.2010.
Time: 21:00 - 22:00
Server: EER
Password: bclv11

Date: 29.11.2010.
Time: 21:00 - 22:00
Server: LLC
Password: 11bclt

All times are in UTC +2

Other country representatives should inform me about their qualification dates at least 2 days before their qualification.

Feel free to discuss or ask questions.
+ Added Estonian qualification date.
+ Added Lithuanian qualification date.
Okay, thanks. Came into the server to ask who will take the replay, but I got CPW error and couldn't join back.
#6 - sjava
am i the only one who is having problems with the estonian qual replay?coz it doesn't go higher than the 10th min.
You are the only one, it worked for me till the end.
Reminding that the race is today starting in 4 hours. Server is up with the password, so you can go practice.
Since we didn't had time to work on stream for this round,could we at least get LFS Remote on?
LFS remote is on. At least it was before.
should be up now
good luck to all
This thread is closed