I reckon Scavier are on their own especially to avoid that.
Quote from Takumi_lfs :You guys really think that there is gonna be a new patch? Well, doh forget about it. Scawen is busy making another kid.. It seems that this one takes a bit more time.

Making the kid can't possible take too long time
Quote from Bob Smith :What I find more worrying is why we couldn't of had at least content patches in the meantime. Sure Rockingham, Scirocco and other surprises have to wait, but the existing models and textures could have been polished to a shine by now. So the question is either, why couldn't they be released, or why haven't they been done? We've had nice updates to tracks and interiors before, why can't we again to tide over the community until Scawen has something for us?

I would be quite happy with a simple content update. I don't mind that the Scirocco will not be the most realistic ever. Going 2 years between updates is not the greatest idea. But I still wait and hope, because I love what they have made and I know it will get better. The content is there, it's just waiting to be released. When the new physics is ready, release that. Until then, keep the content flowing, save the new tyre physics for S3.
It always baffles me how many people think that Scawen is holding back the release intentionally.
I for one think that Scawen is the one person who wants the patch out the most. But thank god he also has high standards and won't prematurely release something and hope to get things fixed soon after that.

Just look at Minecraft developement: Notch has a completely different approach. He releases patches and fixes bugs later. Just look at the minecraft forums and watch people whine and bitch about how he destroyed minecraft.

The conclusion: no matter what Scawen does, people will complain. So Scawen's better off working on his own terms than trying to please the moaners.
LOL guys, it is starting to look like LFS is a religion with its believers and non believers, S3 being the messiah everybody is waiting for! hmm the scirroco..an angel or a prophet maybe?

To me it looks like the website is still maintained and every problems I notice with lfs world or master browser seems to get fixed, don't tell me it is the holy spirit or one of those miracles?
Quote from ColeusRattus :It always baffles me how many people think that Scawen is holding back the release intentionally.
I for one think that Scawen is the one person who wants the patch out the most. But thank god he also has high standards and won't prematurely release something and hope to get things fixed soon after that.

Just look at Minecraft developement: Notch has a completely different approach. He releases patches and fixes bugs later. Just look at the minecraft forums and watch people whine and bitch about how he destroyed minecraft.

The conclusion: no matter what Scawen does, people will complain. So Scawen's better off working on his own terms than trying to please the moaners.

To be honest I don't see why everyone things Scawen is the only developer. By this I mean that we also do have Eric, who is in charge of tracks and cars.

The physics can wait, heck, it might even take 4 years more to develop new physics, but what is holding back tracks / cars from beeing released? Sure, quality, quality and more quality, if it takes 5 years to develope the Rockinham I hope the track is of extreme quality.

For me the physics are allready a lot of fun, but the lack of actually playground within the game is the problem.

But everyone has their own taste, for me LFS now needs more tracks, not physics.

And Frammaris - lol you
Oh and btw, I am not whining, I am a little drunk tbh... tispy is the right word maybe (and yes, at work :shhh: )? So I don't give a damn, I'm happy, but things (LFS) surely could be better.
Quote from The Very End :The physics can wait, heck, it might even take 4 years more to develop new physics, but what is holding back tracks / cars from beeing released?

In the past, the release of patches was independent from Erics work, as in, not finished things like the GTR interiors would not cause a delay in the patch.

As for releasing content patches: I guess these too need coding work by scawen, and I only can assume that he doesn't want to be sidetracked by that. Especially since even a simple content patch would need a testing phase and possibly a bugfixing phase after release.

Also, content patches can increase the workload. Say eric made 3 new cars. Scawen could finish their physics with the current version, but would have to update them to the new physics when they were done. So if he simply postpones the release of said cars, it basically halves his work on them. The saved time can be used to improve the physics further.
#83 - mdmx
Quote from RMachucaA :Dont you guys realize, that as every day passes, LFS falls behind more and more and more, due to the tiny dev. team size, and them trying to add more and more things, the time it will take them to complete the tasks is exponentially greater, and it has reached a point where when they finish said tasks (if they ever do), they are close to obsolete, so scawn gets started on updating them again, and since it takes a tiny dev team so long to do, by the time the 2nd update to the original update is almost done, its once again, completely obsolete, then wash\rinse\repeat the process x infinity.

And that my friends, is why LFS has been dead a long time.

Gfx candies get obsolote quite soon, good tyre physics does not. Maybe that's why they haven't release anything during this time, it gets old before the physics and S3 is done.

That's the way it has to be done with small indie team, you just can't keep it up-to-dated all the time with one programmer while doing major physic update, that's impossible. After the physics are done, you can polish it quite fast, and release immediately before gfx gets outdated again.

LFS isn't that dead it can't be revived if the major update comes. If devs are able to fulfill the expectations, and make near-perfect tyre physics, it's back alive and in a full strength in a matter of days (hours?).

Maybe unconscious and in coma, but not dead.

#84 - Be2K
Quote from The Very End :
The physics can wait, heck, it might even take 4 years more to develop new physics, but what is holding back tracks / cars from beeing released? Sure, quality, quality and more quality, if it takes 5 years to develope the Rockinham I hope the track is of extreme quality.

For me the physics are allready a lot of fun, but the lack of actually playground within the game is the problem.

+100000000000 !!
LFS is the best racing game ever made, sure other Games has better graphics, but LFS is the best game for Online Racing and this is totaly unique. The Tyre physics are working for six or more years now and as u said LFS needs more Tracks ! Ok.. 1 or 2 could be enough but with 3 - 4 Layouts like South City or Aston so we can be happy for the next 1 or 2 years and until this time Scawen can dev the Physics without falming
A lot of people will say the forum is bashing Eric, but it really is ridiculous how little is being released from him currently. Of course they should have realized that several years without a significant update would cause the community to complain badly.
I cannot believe that Eric is still working on Rockingham. This one track is over a long time ago. If they don't want to release Rockingham before the new physics are out, fine. Release some other content, would you?

Right, now I'll go back to playing the game anyway.
Quote from RasmusL :If they don't want to release Rockingham before the new physics are out, fine. Release some other content, would you?

Now if rockingham would be done, but withheld for some other reason, why wouldn't those same reasons apply to any other content in the pipes?

Of course, I'd like to have some new content too, but complaining about it doesn't make it appear faster, but it does make the forums a tad less inviting.
LFS is still the most incredible simulator i have played, LFS is not falling the bridge, what is really happen is that people being bored waiting for new stuff so the comunity is falling down and if this continues the only players will be LFs fanboys. I must say i know LFS is hard working and slow developing. I play since S1 and i wait a lot for all the new stuff, buts these last two years i'm getting worried. Instead of that i will continue playing LFS, but nowadays the main reason that i continue playing LFS are the cominuty leagues. LFS has lost most of the quality of two years ago public servers.

Sorry for my bad english.
Quote from Skytrill :This brand new low was presented by ExLax

Pissing off devs since 2006

Just doing my job.

Quote from The Very End :Making the kid can't possible take too long time

Shut up you. You probably don't know, fags cannot have kids.
Whoops, was that a spoiler?
No, your just an ass
gamers: the developers are idiots
developers: the gamers are idiots

too bad we're only getting one side of the argument from that aspect, would nicely balance things out :P
I guess that after some time we will get mathematically perfect tire physics, updated interior for FX, RB4. Also Rockingham and Scirroco (2008) could be introduced. UF interior probably will stay the same.

You can bookmark this post and see in the next update, that I predicted it 98% correctly
#96 - Be2K
Quote from Ferroc :I guess that after some time we will get mathematically perfect tire physics, updated interior for FX, RB4. Also Rockingham and Scirroco (2008) could be introduced. UF interior probably will stay the same.

You can bookmark this post and see in the next update, that I predicted it 98% correctly

or we all got banned coz of discussing sensless stuff here xD
Quote from Fuse5 :gamers: the developers are idiots
developers: the gamers are idiots

Best comment in this thread
@Colleus Rattus:

where do you "know" all that from? Isn´t that some wishfull thinking?

It could just as well be said, that they have nothing achieved yet or

MAYBE they have a lot of developments ready, but they have not found

a strategic partner, that would come up with those termes, that they

are imagining in terms of MONEY sofar.

Would the thought, that the DEVS of LFS are looking for a promising

FINANCIAL MODEL for their PRODUCTS be more realistic, than your

infantil idealistic thought.

Volkswagen does not pay a cent, that´s whats going on.

Quote from Dandy Dust :@Colleus Rattus:


Well, I base my assumption off what Scawen told us and common sense. And I trust in Scawens remark that he would inform us if he stopped working on LfS.
Also, he said in the past that he chose to work in a small team on LfS for idealistic reasons, rather than monetary ones. IIRC, he wanted to ceate a great racing sim, and if he can live off it, than that's a bonus. And that's why LfS is so great, because most other companies do in fact work the other way round: they want to make money, and if that spawns a good game, that would be the bonus.

Also, I guess I am just a patient guy. Would I like to have the next update now? Yes! Does the world end if it takes another two years? No!

It's not like the anticipation of the patch is the only meaning in my life, and all i'm trying to suggest is that people calm down in here.