The idea's to race the LRF set along with extra cars tweaked to match, preferably easy ones to drive. This is generally a brainstorm thread to suggest/work out the best solutions, from what Tweak app to use, to any other helpful apps, to what the tweak car configurations should be. Anyone's welcome to suggest anything. There's no criteria other than squeezing the most cars out of LFSTweak to best match them with the LRF group. Overall this would add some novelty to the LRF class by addressing the reason for most players' reluctance to use LRF: how difficult they are to drive to their full potential.
Design of actual race events/league/etc can follow once the cars are ready.
First question is how many cars the current usable LFSTweak(s) allow? If only one, it might not be enough to attract interest. Two ought to be enough and three would definitely be enough.
Design of actual race events/league/etc can follow once the cars are ready.
First question is how many cars the current usable LFSTweak(s) allow? If only one, it might not be enough to attract interest. Two ought to be enough and three would definitely be enough.