Here is a track I made today using the Effiel circuit theme.
Someone wanted to know if you can do long straights? Well you sure can, but hilly straights
I used 5 sections, all with complexity of 0, and corner sharpness of 5.
Very angular high speed track, parts of it remind of Bathurst

Going for the Le Mans type feel.
Time of day was set at 2pm. I find it looks the best at this time of the day. GT5's lighting engine makes everything look too dark at other times or just weird.... Noon just looks really flat.
This theme doesn't look as good as the others. The grass is a bit pukey.
The pop up is annoying, and the track is too smooth, and lacking in cambers.
Demo'ed it with a race with Super GT cars in arcade mode. Will have to try it with LMPs. I called it Straight Ring