The online racing simulator
Quote from vicbel :HELP!

We are trying to run a multi-class event and we have defined custom cars and categories for this but for some reason lap times are not being recorded for some of the cars.

Also, the !cars command is not displaying the custom car definitions.

Any idea?

here are the TCD definitions.

CustomCars= FZ2|FZR,10,15 FZ1|FZR,0,55 XR2|XRR,3,15 FX2|FXR,55,0


change the allowance of % off of WR of original (unrestricted car) so for custom FZ2 set it from say 105% to 115% (example)
Quote from SJB :Yeah but where should they read they cant use FXR / FZR / XRR when its clickable at the car choose screen?

There should be an easy message "To drive this car please use x % intake restriction" depending on what is set at eg FZ2. Then I dont have to explain to 30ppl "hey u have to use 20% intake restriction with car A, 23% with car B, 25% with car C" they dont even read my messages cause the text scrolls fast because all try to join without intake restriction - so i changed back to "normal" cars.

Just create the message yourself, it is the best and simplest option you have now:

BadCarType=^7Restriction is required: ^3FZR+^120%^3, XRR+^125% ...
BadCarType=+^3For more info about required car restrictions type ^1!cars

Quote from SJB :I want to try the RotateTracks feature (people are getting bored when no admins are online who change track/layout), but I have one question: is it possible to temporarily deactivate RotateTracks?

I guess the best way to turn off track rotation is to use:

!cfg RotateRaces=0


!cfg RotateMinutes=0

depending on what you use. To start the rotation again a simple !rld may be used, because it will read and apply what is in the CFG/TCD/SRV files.

Quote from vicbel :Also, the !cars command is not displaying the custom car definitions.

CustomCars= FZ2|FZR,10,15 FZ1|FZR,0,55 XR2|XRR,3,15 FX2|FXR,55,0

It seems to me the car definitions are almost correct. Always, only !rld is required to update the definition, never Airio restart. I think the space after = in the 1st item may be a problem, try to remove it and use this form:

CustomCars=FZ2|FZR,10,15 FZ1|FZR,0,55 XR2|XRR,3,15 FX2|FXR,0,55

Also, you have FO8 in two categories, I'm not sure how this will work. FX2 has probably switched 0 and 55. And final note, you should use other car names than FZ2, XR2 and FX2 (and GT2), because they are used "officially" as a GT2 class car with very different restrictions (about +10% comparing to what you have).
As i so on GT3 Touring car cup they changed FXR GT3 spec from 32% to 31% so all results from wr's and tables are invalid or not show... is there any way we can add some percent on time so we can use 32% handicap records?
Quote from DuleXY :As i so on GT3 Touring car cup they changed FXR GT3 spec from 32% to 31% so all results from wr's and tables are invalid or not show... is there any way we can add some percent on time so we can use 32% handicap records?

The AIRW database is capturing/storing all personal best lap times done with restricted cars. So, if someone is using FXR with 31 percent restriction under Airio PROS, the time is saved. (Well, at least I believe so, it is some time since I was checking this.) The problem is that for now FX3 is defined on AIRW as FXR plus 32% or higher intake air restriction. So FXR+31% is in fact seen as the immediate faster FXR category, FX2 in this case.

Overall, the custom cars matters are getting somehow confusing, because people are using GT2 to mean various restrictions. And because AIRW has its own "official" definitions ignoring local definitions, there can be unclear situations. The good news is that I could do a change at AIRW at any time and redefine FX3 as FXR+31%. No data will be lost, people will still have their FX3 best times, but they'll be able to improve those by using slightly lower restriction.

Problem is it will add to the overall confusion. Another question is whether it is a good change, because there are various GT2 and GT3 specifications and those are changing as well... Eh...
Don't worry Worry, the GT2/3 restrictions are fine. The whole point of AIRW is to keep a common set of restrictions across various servers, and not changing %ages that have been used for 3 years just because the drivers of the FXR in some league are too shit to be on the pace that they think 1% will suddenly make it all even.
Hahaha, good to know...
I agree... But should we make some standard in this restrictions or anyone can change it as they want. 1% will not make car 100km/h faster...
I think the main idea about restricted GTR cars is pretty much the same everywhere. GT2s have restriction slightly above 20%, GT3 have slightly above 30%. (From this perspective a GT1 category seems to be one with something over 10%.) Another problem is making the restricted GTR cars approximately equal. I believe there is a way, and that is comparing online WRs of GT2 and GT3 cars. If for example FX2 WRs are consistently (and significantly) worse on all tracks, then we could reduce 1%. If on the other hand XR2 WRs are substantially better comparing to FZ2 and FX2, maybe adding 1% would be good...
Quote from EQ Worry : I think the space after = in the 1st item may be a problem, try to remove it and use this form:

Thank you! I think the space did it!
Quote from EQ Worry :Just create the message yourself, it is the best and simplest option you have now:

BadCarType=^7Restriction is required: ^3FZR+^120%^3, XRR+^125% ...
BadCarType=+^3For more info about required car restrictions type ^1!cars

Yeah but how they know if they should take FZ2 with x % or FZ3 with x % ?? try and error?

Better would be something like "BadCarType=Following car types are allowed: FZ3, FX3, XR3.. For required restrictions type !cars"

Is there a variable for atm allowed car types?

Regards, SJB
Quote from SJB :Yeah but how they know if they should take FZ2 with x % or FZ3 with x % ?? try and error?

If you limit cars to GT2s or GT3s, it is up to you to communicate the fact to the connecting people. You have many options how to do that – connect messages and buttons, customizable info screens, LFS connect screen, customizable bad car type messages. Everywhere you may instruct people to type !cars and see the restrictions, you may also create (at least in the FULL version) e.g. !info screen with detailed info not only about required restrictions but also how to set them.

However, it is a common fact that many many people simply do not read even the biggest info on screen, they just try once to join with GTR and then leave. This is happening on all servers with restricted cars and no messages, custom defined of default from Airio, will change it. If you're running a GT2 server, half the coming people will disconnect without ever bothering to find out why they can't join race, and Airio messages cannot help.

In R2R we have a GT2 server and this is happening all the time though we have perfectly clear instructions prepared, using custom server commands, and we're sending them whenever someone new is spectated for bad car type (full GTR). Still, the above applies – some people (well, quite many) are too dumb to read or follow simple instructions.

Another example is the hybrid tyres, which any serious rallyx server should require. Despite BIG messages with extremely simple instructions three quarters or even more demo people are kicked from AA rallycross server for bad tyres after 3rd attempt to join using normal tyres. And the instructions are in bright colors, just Shift+P > [rallycross] setup > Join. Same with renaming, because we do not allow unnamed people to race. Rarely someone is able to follow the 2-3 simple steps to rename.

All the above means one thing: There are many people that can't read, or at least behave so. Put in any unexpected limitations and you are in troubles. Airio cannot make such people read and understand. Pity there are no options to FORCE on joining cars the limits automatically, informing the driver of the adjustment. I would think such a feature would be great addition to LFS.

(Unfortunately it would require LFS developers to update LFS. Unfortunately, because they do not respond to anything, and if they do, they only close some threads, saying the discussion there leads nowhere and that everything was decided long time ago. And that, actually, is the problem... )
Airio 2.5.1
On an other note, new Airio is released. The biggest addition in this version is TeamSpeak3 support, but only for FULL and PROS versions. Airio may connect as a server query to a (team) TS3 server, announcing its presence. Using private chat people may display current server(s) state, and TS3 admins may connect to any server through TS3 and do everything a host can do, that is to send messages and use all LFS and Airio commands remotely. Very handy for quick checks and changes. If you have FULL or PROS licence and did not receive my mail announcement with download link, please contact me.
If we would limit the cars to GT2 there would be no problem for messages like "use FXR with x % restriction", but we change the cars often, it was just a short experiment with enabling GT2 and many left^^

Regards, SJB
Hey EQ,

Could you e-mail me the 2.51 Update(s) please, Got a couple of requests for updates.

Hey guys.

im trying to use this on a cruise server.

but i found the "AllowCruise=[1,2,3,4]"

but i dont know how to edit the config so that it dont will spectate me for driving wrong way.

can you help me end explain me 100 what i should edit , in wich file ..?

would be nice.


greetz Lisnu.
Quote from franky500 :Could you e-mail me the 2.51 Update(s) please, Got a couple of requests for updates.

Hi, sorry for delay, I was waiting for bug reports for a few days. I'll send the files today, as well as an answer to the question you asked some time ago already. Again, sorry for delay.

Quote from Lisnu :Hey guys. im trying to use this on a cruise server. but i found the "AllowCruise=[1,2,3,4]"

Well, adding THIS (Airio, I think) to a cruise server seems pretty weird to me, because Airio is purely racing system. There's no AllowCruise in Airio, I think the only thing you need to do is too make sure there is CheckDriving=false in Airio.srv.txt file. Also you'll need /cruise=yes in server config, but that is another matter.

Quote from :beta30 (latest TS server version) seem to be running stable now. Seems to be a Teamspeak issue after all. Sorry for this interruption !conn 1 gets me connected to Airio server thread 1. Which is great. Chat messages coming in nicely. But.. How to disconnect?

Glad to hear that TS3 update solved the crash (connection lost) problem. To disconnect from current server in TS3 (or IRC) chat send !conn (or just !cn) without parameter/number.
Hey guys, we've just set up a f08 server but everytime we start a race we i get the error "the airio tracker saw you make impossible speed" then i get spectated for security...

does anyone know the code to turn the speec check thing off?

Download a fresh Airio and read the comments in the srv/tcd files, or do a search for speed.
Quote from peterules :Hey guys, we've just set up a f08 server but everytime we start a race we i get the error "the airio tracker saw you make impossible speed" then i get spectated for security...

This shows wrong setup for FO8 (or generally any type of cars) in the TCD (track/car data) file, see AllowedSpeed there. Quick fix would be to disable speed check altogether using CheckSpeed=false in the SRV file.
Yup all fixed! Cheers all!

(p.s sorry to have a bit of a panic attack) lol
Eq Worry,
hi mate.

One question: can Airio toggle the pass from a server ?

We have a strange situation, we use a server with a password but after some hours ... pass is deleted .... very strange !

Dec 10 17:23:05 37 - Padovan : ^L!TOP
Dec 10 17:23:05 37 - Padovan : !top
Dec 10 17:23:13 37 - Padovan^L disconnected
Dec 10 17:32:50 /pass=
Dec 10 17:32:50 host : ^L!ch on
Dec 10 17:32:50 LFS server settings have been reset...
Dec 10 17:32:50 Airio basic checks are now turned on...
Dec 10 17:32:50 Airio advanced checks are now turned on...

Dec 10 17:56:26 Spectate All command carried out...
Dec 10 18:06:26 /pass=
Dec 10 18:06:26 host : ^L!ch on

what about that ?

AIRIO - Advanced LFS Tracker
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