Quote from ColeusRattus :Well, I base my assumption off what Scawen told us and common sense. And I trust in Scawens remark that he would inform us if he stopped working on LfS.
Also, he said in the past that he chose to work in a small team on LfS for idealistic reasons, rather than monetary ones. IIRC, he wanted to ceate a great racing sim, and if he can live off it, than that's a bonus. And that's why LfS is so great, because most other companies do in fact work the other way round: they want to make money, and if that spawns a good game, that would be the bonus.

Also, I guess I am just a patient guy. Would I like to have the next update now? Yes! Does the world end if it takes another two years? No!

It's not like the anticipation of the patch is the only meaning in my life, and all i'm trying to suggest is that people calm down in here.

Well said
Well lets see how would we realize that lfs is dead...? Well s2 was released in early 2005.Now we are 1 month away from 2011 and a good 6 years of...nothing....Yes a couple of patches were released here and there but anything more substantial ? Come on now be honest to yourselves....

We had no new cars or tracks for 6 years....If the devs were more open minded about user involvement as i asked many times at least we could have remade and highly polished versions of the existing cars and tracks or even maybe a few dozen new ones that were of high quality...(or converted from rfactor)

And nowdays after purchasing gt5 i feel all is really pointless in the end of it...

Before burning me at the stake i know gt5 is too arcadish...Brain dead ai that follows a perfect line ignoring themselves and you and constantly playing bumper cars with them it really harms it a lot.Add the laughable damage(they toned down damage a lot to the point you need to crash multiple times at 150 miles to have even a fender dislodge itself...)
Add the incocistentment of 200 good looking cars with cockpits versus 800 without one and looking abysmal and the game really is messed up...

But in the end the good probably outweight the bad ones for me at least...

There i have all the cars i ever liked with interesting descriptions,some look actually out of this world with some great looking cockpits and a great usage of the ps3 camera's face recognition to move around the cockpit like having a track ir...

Then through most tracks are horrible some are mind blowing....Monako,le mans,norcheliefe,monza,madrid,rome,tokyo downtown look and feel incredible...

Great sound effects and music and some incredible weather effects too..

And you know something ? With a decent wheel and everything turned off (You have to turn off some aids twice as when you go in the race screen just before starting to race abs gets enabled to low(1) and sometimes even the traction control too..-i think i is done for the cars that actually have those aids...or maybe its a bug...)
The driving feels quite realistic ...

So why i even bother with lfs ?
Demo troll is back, please don't feed!
Several cars have been added since S2 was first released, and various track configurations were also added. Plus the sim has had a lot of physics and graphics updates in that time, and various other 'features'.

User-involvement is a non-issue as it isn't what LFS is about.

GT5 is a fun game, but not 'better' than LFS in any way. Even the 'uber graphics' of GT5 aren't that much better really (car models on Premium cars excluded).

Quote :So why i even bother with lfs ?

We don't know. We'd rather you didn't to be honest. Why not leave LFS, never play it again, and stop visiting the forum is LFS is so bad?
Quote from justasimfan :
So why i even bother with lfs ?

You have driven 179 laps of the demo, and your moaning about lack of content ... :rolleyes:
#107 - Zay
Quote from tristancliffe :
We don't know. We'd rather you didn't to be honest. Why not leave LFS, never play it again, and stop visiting the forum is LFS is so bad?

Massive +1 to this!
I would give an automatic ban to a demo user asking/begging more content.
This is just not normal to accept such idiocies.
Quote from justasimfan :Well lets see how would we realize that lfs is dead...? Well s2 was released in early 2005.Now we are 1 month away from 2011 and a good 6 years of...nothing....Yes a couple of patches were released here and there but anything more substantial ? Come on now be honest to yourselves....

We had no new cars or tracks for 6 years....If the devs were more open minded about user involvement as i asked many times at least we could have remade and highly polished versions of the existing cars and tracks or even maybe a few dozen new ones that were of high quality...(or converted from rfactor)

And nowdays after purchasing gt5 i feel all is really pointless in the end of it...

Before burning me at the stake i know gt5 is too arcadish...Brain dead ai that follows a perfect line ignoring themselves and you and constantly playing bumper cars with them it really harms it a lot.Add the laughable damage(they toned down damage a lot to the point you need to crash multiple times at 150 miles to have even a fender dislodge itself...)
Add the incocistentment of 200 good looking cars with cockpits versus 800 without one and looking abysmal and the game really is messed up...

But in the end the good probably outweight the bad ones for me at least...

There i have all the cars i ever liked with interesting descriptions,some look actually out of this world with some great looking cockpits and a great usage of the ps3 camera's face recognition to move around the cockpit like having a track ir...

Then through most tracks are horrible some are mind blowing....Monako,le mans,norcheliefe,monza,madrid,rome,tokyo downtown look and feel incredible...

Great sound effects and music and some incredible weather effects too..

And you know something ? With a decent wheel and everything turned off (You have to turn off some aids twice as when you go in the race screen just before starting to race abs gets enabled to low(1) and sometimes even the traction control too..-i think i is done for the cars that actually have those aids...or maybe its a bug...)
The driving feels quite realistic ...

So why i even bother with lfs ?

Why are you trying to convert the unconvertible ?

We are all quite excited you enjoy GT5 but why do you feel the need to put our candle out to light your own?

I have GT5 and its great fun but that is purely my own opinion and i have no desire to cram it down someones throat...

Seriously give it a rest , LFS is not for you and we know that to the bone because you have told us all so many times .
(mdmx) DELETED by franky500 : Funny but... inappropriate
(GreyBull [CHA]) DELETED by franky500 : Funny but... inappropriate
Anybody remember the large Different beetween S1 and S2?

Its dont enough to make a Physics update, if the tracksurface is the old same one. I believe there are much more thinks in work as we exept.

My opinion is, the devs make it correct, to let us wait for a bigger update as we have every week a new untestet Patch.

Better to close the doors for big works, as let speak everyone for the future of LFS. (here are to many Dreamers, or Kids they dont realize the workload of a Simualtion and there sense)

And yes :first comes the Family, then the work. This will only understand by the older Members of Lfs, they have children too. This is an Important point in a Dev Team by only 3 Members.
(think of your own family, and a project that runs for 10 years and maybe another run for 10 years)
I decided to check the LFS web page for an update and there was nothing new so I came to the forums and found this post. When I used to actively post in this forum a while back, the devs made a habit of at least releasing something at Christmas and then take a year off and the following Christmas would show something new if we were lucky. Looks like everyone is getting coal this year :-)

I'm sorry to say this but these have to be the laziest developers ever. I have this feeling that they're frustrated about not making a whole lot of money so they've given up on the community or at least taking their sweet time. Maybe they like that model but the community suffers if they expect any more than that. Its their right to be lazy and do what they want but you would think that they would throw everyone a bone once in a while - especially around the holidays. This is just my opinion. They dont seem to care about this community and I think its best if people just enjoy LFS for what it is and go on with their lives. Check the forums every Christmas like I do and if there's nothing new then try again in another year.

See you all next year.
What do you call this then?
Quote from sinanju :What do you call this then?

its viktor beeing bored, it doesnt give me a freaking scirocco or does it.

edit: i figured it wont give me rockingham too...
If Victor starts programming "deeper" LFS stuff than his usual web, forum and music its looks like him being bored indeed.

And him releasing it now for the old Z28 patched LFS doesn't really make it look like a/the new patch is on its way In that case he could have waited a little longer, we know the Devs are well trained in that