The online racing simulator
Im up for different rims, we need real racing rims the ones we have now are pretty close to hub caps. maybe each tire brand has 3 different sets of rims to choose from. And I'm not talking stupid 22" bling'n rims. Hopefully the different tire brands include different tread aswell. I'm not up for body kits ,but tires come in many different arrangements in races. Except for F1
Rims seem a good idea. Maybe different sizes wheels too? Smaller wheels give you a little more speed, but not as much traction and steering, but bigger gives you a little less speed but a bit more traction and steering.

IMO the way upgrades can be implimented is for EVERY part to have pro's and cons. Having bigger brakes slows you faster but wares in quicker. etc Then that way not everyone will have the fastest, lightest, overall best part, like NFS.
Quote from tristancliffe :LFS is trying to be a realistic online racing simulator, not a realistic car tuning exercise. The two are not necessarily the same. In terms of the word 'realism' how far do you go? Do you want to only drive cars you've negotiated a contract on? Do you want to have a governing body that is biased to other players? Do you want 99% of the people to play LFS to be just mechanics, and only the best drivers get to drive?

Quite simply adding brake manufacture/style/material options, or clutch size, pressure, material etc, or anything else from camshafts to ignition timing, or exhaust primary lengths to steering wheel rake angle WILL NOT ADD ANYTHING TO LFS OTHER THAN DILUTE THE RACING. The same people will win, the same people will lose. But we'll be two seconds a lap quicker, and it'll be even harder for noobs or those less intelligent to become winners as they have to learn how to make, tune and rebuild engines. Of course we'd never stoop to the level of having 'off the shelf' parts, so we'll need a virtual CADCAM machine, in which we all have to design, tolerance, analyse, machine, fit and use for every single non-standard component. After all, we want realism, and it wouldn't be realistic to just click a 'Rice Me Up' button, now would it.


I can't agree more! The idea of LFS is not to make you car look cool but to race cool!!
It is a fair question considering the current trend in console racing games.
There are some good, if a bit over the top (tristen) responses.

The final answer is no. You can change suspension settings and tires all you want and the aero settings on cars that have it, but there are no engine or other "upgrades".

You get to personalize your cars with skins.

This is very like club racing or a spec series, the game mandates the formula, and you are free to set it up and paint it the way you like. It makes for a better overall game and better racing.
What's wrong with the rims we have? I really like them, mostly.
We dont have 'rims', we have wheels. Well strictly speaking the rim is part of the wheel, but without the rest you'd be fairly stuck.

No to interchangable parts, this sim has no need for them.
off topic: lol but would be cool to have the brakes heat up and glow like on gt-4 and ive even seen it on road cool to ahve that effect...ok back on topic
we don't need eye candy we need better physics.(if that can happen)
Quote from faster111 :what about neon lights or what ever you call them it would be nice for night raceing.

Sorry, this is a racing game. I've never seen a race car with neons.

About changeable parts - That proess has started, slightly. We have different differentials (need more work, though) and different tires. The devs have expressed interest in making each tire brand different. Although, I wouldn't want this to go too far, as like everyone has said that then the same parts will be used on most cars.
Interchangable parts is just a sub-problem... Think about it, not only the best interchangable parts would only be used, but even now if there are 3 cars out of a class allowed, say GTR class (FXR, XRR, and FZR) the Fzr is most frequently used, today I was the only XRR driver out of about 6 that were all using Fzr. Now I did get 5th and once 1st, but it's so much harder when everyone has more potential speed than you. So maybe we should think about what should be done to the cars we have now and even things up pros and cons wise. I don't want equilbrium through the classes, I just want a little more closer racing. The differences are just to big of gap right now.
Interchangable parts are on GT4. And I think that 99.9% of players just stick the 'best' components on the car. Occasionally those with DFP's and a suitable desk might put crappy tyres on to try and cover up the arcade physics and give it an air of realism, but that's pretty much the only time a car is less than perfect.

With regards to over the top responses, I'd like to say that if you take an idea and push it to extremes to quickly find the flaws in an argument. Doesn't always work of course, and sometimes isn't even applicable, but can help sort the wheat from the chaff (or the automotive engineer from the ricer brigade).
If you want the car to look like the FZR then drive the damn FZR, if you want it to look like the XFR, then guess what, drive the XFR, same for if you want the UF1 and UFR. If you want the XFR to go slowly, then im sure you can fiddle the gear ratios and put a wooden block under your accelerator to make it slower

Its a stupid idea IMO, itll just make a load of people use the UF1 and make it look like a UFR, and as for swapping wings etc, how chav do you want the UF1 to look?

After this where does it stop? Maybe change interiors too? Put a nice turbo dial on your UF1 to make you look well 'ard, then maybe be able to customise your boot and add some subs, then low and behold we have NFS!

Sorry about the rant, but im already not in the best of moods and im starting to get fed up of people asking for bodykit, NOS, subs and stick on tat.

With all the stupid ideas that come here sometimes, im really starting to wonder whether i want the option to mod LFS, as i really dont want to see NFS on LFS.
I actually quite like the idea of being able to customize the cars within certain limits. Body kits and all the other ricer add-ons I can do without but the option to install an aero package, racing suspension package, turbo/supercharger kit or brake package to the stock models appeals to me. There are some obvious gameplay balance issues that would need to be addressed though and it may be necessary for penalties to be assessed against the car when a package is added. For example, adding additional ballast weight or detuning the engine performance. These would all need to be extensively gameplay balanced to ensure that there are no clearly fastest configurations while still allowing people to customize the cars to their own preferred driving style. The idea may not be workable or practicable given the dev's limited resources though.
Highdownforce kits for the GTR cars would be nice I think. Not a "Bodykit" but just a kanard or two on each side in addition to the two already in place, maybe a slightly altered rear wing?

The idea seems more plausible on a Prototype car, though. (hint hint, Scavier )
I'm only a demo racer but hear me out please. There's no need for any aftermarket (excuse me) cr*p to penetrate the domain of the hardcore sim but there are a couple of things that would be helpful. Some of the things i like to discuss are:
-The possibility for the player tu customize the ECU mapping (not NFSU like but a more technical view), including ignition points, amount of fuel, boost pressure, adjust wastegate values and Blow-off points..etc
-Engine wear and tear, the need to rebuild engines after a certain time , different motor oils ( for example, oil 1 makes the engine rev higher, operate easily producing more HP BUT makes a significant increase in engine wear, whereas oil 2 is more durable, adheres to engine components, does not rev the engine as high as oil 1 but wear is less than oil 1 and this system works for other fluids, for example gasoline ( one type produces more HP but wears the engine out...and vice versa for the other types) and these don't have to be dual( oil 1 vs. 2 . .etc) but a couple of brands(5-6( that each have the balance tipped in either way

These change will not be seen so much in single races(maybe in really long ones:tilt but in tournaments(aka leagues, multiple events..whatever), where people have to decide:" will i go for power or endurance?"
I'm of the opinion that if you've bought a car IRL and have the desire to stick a bunch of new skirts, wings etc onto it, then clearly you haven't bought a decent-looking car to begin with In Oz there's a huge ricer community. Some kids blow up to and over 20,000 AUD on kits, pfat stereos, bling-tastic wheels etc... 20 grand! Most of the ones I see around the place have "FOR SALE" and a mobile number texta'd on to the rear window next to the P-plate (I wonder if they recoup on their investment?). I can't see myself (or any sane person) ever buying some P-plater's ex-hotrod...lord knows what abuse it's copped in its short life.

As for customising performance, the stock/road/whatever cars are totally OTT already when it comes to suspension and transmission. Some of the setup options available to LFS road cars aren't even available to some fully-fledged race car categories like the Porsche Cup here in Oz (to name but one). Start throwing on extra turbos, supers, racing suspension (it basically is already), and they'll lose what little similarity they have to street cars and LFS will end up a pure race car sim. Of course I love race cars but LFS has a dozen of them already in the GTRs and formulas, not to mention the RAC prototype and the MRT5. Part of LFS's appeal to me is that it has normal-ish, slow-as road cars like the UF1 and the XFG which lend themselves to some great racing, up to the crazy FZ50 and LX6 which are a challenge to drive quickly.

Maggot, I'm with you on the LM Prototype-type car :up: Bring it on!

edit: if Scavier EVER start making us think about different brands of oil (what thuh?), or rebuilding engines, ECU mapping or anything else that detracts from actually driving, I will hand in my license and play Gran Turismo for the rest of my life
Cirozel, you're not the first demo racer to have these ideas. I'm not shooting you down here, but I always find it a bit odd when demo racers, who have 3 cars and 1 track, have such grand and far-reaching ideas for the game as a whole. Maybe a little while with an S2 license, with access to all the great cars and tracks and of course the full online experience, would give you a better perspective on LFS :up:
And, by the time they (devs) model and get the parts in the game for each car, they could of spent that time on physics (what the game is about) and more cars. We as a community can wait until LFS is finished or it is opened up to mod to make LFS into LFSU or whatever you desire.
#43 - Woz
People should learn to drive the cars properly in the first place. Please do not think that adding a faster cam or turbo will allow you to compete more, IT WILL NOT.

Anyone with any sense will just configure their car to the fastest spec and it will all be balanced again.

If you want to play a rice game then play the GT4-emon (Gota get em all ) car collection and tweak game or NFSU.

If you want to race then learn to drive what we have faster. Everyone is in the same boat so its about skill!
Quote from tristancliffe :Interchangable parts are on GT4. And I think that 99.9% of players just stick the 'best' components on the car. Occasionally those with DFP's and a suitable desk might put crappy tyres on to try and cover up the arcade physics and give it an air of realism, but that's pretty much the only time a car is less than perfect.

With regards to over the top responses, I'd like to say that if you take an idea and push it to extremes to quickly find the flaws in an argument. Doesn't always work of course, and sometimes isn't even applicable, but can help sort the wheat from the chaff (or the automotive engineer from the ricer brigade).

lol, you are right of course. I should have put the smiley in my post. I knew what you were trying to get at.
Some good points raised. After reading the entire thread:

IMO, changable parts is not necessary in LFS...
the main objective of LFS is equality, the only different is setups...
Yep. And they can be pretty different and yet still be faster than each other because user preference.
I think changable parts can be usefull to some extent.
But before it can be really usefull there must be "parts wear and tear".
Engine oil seems to be a bit over the top, but what about brake parts?
(Then also brake fade is needed )
"Standard" for a good mix of durabillity and effect,
"GREEN" for good braking but not so lasting (just a example name (based on "Green stuff") )
and "RED" for pretty good braking, but not linear brake effect (harder to get max effect witout locking the wheels), and good lasting.

Of course most people would go for RED, but then there also is a "skill" part.

Many other parts of a car can be made on the same "platform", for example suspension, but first must the orginal suspension setup be limited (to the tweaking possible in a real car).

And for those who wanna go elitish way, just go for standard parts
For gameplay all "good" parts must be penalized. The aliens will be the fastest out there anyway
Quote from Hallen :lol, you are right of course. I should have put the smiley in my post. I knew what you were trying to get at.

Don't worry, I knew it wasn't serious. I think I'd win the competition for thickest skin here anyway
It could be very nice to be able to be able to tune the engines (remap the power band) and change diferent parts to givbe out either more BHP or more torque