Last night I was racing the XFG around South City Classic along with about 15 other hoons. 
South City, with its barriers and bottlenecks often causes carnage but if you can get near the front you are usually OK. Trouble was, this server was set to reverse grids. It made this already dangerous track become deadly. It was mayhem!
I must have been smashed from behind on average three times a race. Everytime you got some space you would catch up with traffic. If you could avoid the stranded cars you were OK but if you were in the thick of it avoiding contact was virtually impossible.
The situation was made worse as usual, by one or two idiots. I did have a lot of fun but I wouldn't call it racing.
Anyway, my reason for this thread was to see what people think about reverse grids. Personally I think they are great on open circuits with passing places but just misguided on tight dangerous circuits. What do you all think?

South City, with its barriers and bottlenecks often causes carnage but if you can get near the front you are usually OK. Trouble was, this server was set to reverse grids. It made this already dangerous track become deadly. It was mayhem!

The situation was made worse as usual, by one or two idiots. I did have a lot of fun but I wouldn't call it racing.

Anyway, my reason for this thread was to see what people think about reverse grids. Personally I think they are great on open circuits with passing places but just misguided on tight dangerous circuits. What do you all think?