I love the skippy at charlotte. So much fun, 2 days ago my irating was 1000 in the road licence cos i didn't do so well in the last few races, even though i could have, just been crashed all the time, but 1000 irating yesterday, and atm its 1731. When having strenght of field at 1200, its not very good, I was 1.5 sec a lap quicker than some of the people, but after a few races im now 1700 iracing and the strenght of field is much higher now and its getting more and more close. I've only done this track with the skippy this season, but Im most likely to do the F1 car in class A.

Most of my incident points are from trying to lap people, they block you like they are leading. Dumb idiots, but as my irating goes up i can finally have clean races.
Most of my incident points are from trying to lap people, they block you like they are leading. Dumb idiots, but as my irating goes up i can finally have clean races.