for ffa i run famas suppressor, c278 or whatever fully auto, ghost, slight of hand and ninja, for everything else its either AK74 dual mags (twice the ammo!) or AK47 dual mags, with the C278, ghost or hardline pro, slight and mara all with claymores! With spyplane, chopper gunner and dogs usually get a k/d of atleast 2.7 upwards and in the top 3 everyround so cant complain
Yeh, I never use it. Just tried FAMAS, dont really like it
I am level 30, what gun would you recommend I get when I get to level 50, as im planning on staying at level 50 for a while.
Just looked at a video of a guy going flawless in FFA with the G11. Wish i tried it out before i prestiged. APparently it has like zero recoil and with steady aim, it's pretty OP
g11 would be ggreat if you could use accesories apart from either the low power scope or the zoom scope, the way it'ss et up it really belongs in with the sniper rifles as much as the assault rifles.
personnaly my current prefered weapon is the FM with an acog and supressor, makes alovely sniper gun with no worried about holding your breath, far better fire rate than any sniper rifle and you can snap fire from the hip
Playing this on Veteran difficulty is f'ing me off. The AI are so stupid, they manage to shoot you in the head without even knowing where you are, there's no stealth whatsoever plus your teammates do naff all so it's like fighting in the Blitzkrieg on your own.
Utterly shocking and demostrates how the game is running on what is basically a 8 year old engine.
Currently en route to prestige 3. Just got to P2 couple hours of gameplay ago and level 33 now. I guess the sniping, you have to get used to in order to remotely use it in the same fashion as COD 4 and MW2. I got some really nice shots in my recent games where i went only sniper.
Well its done. The Machinima crew have made it to 15th prestige 50th level 25 days after its release 24/7 they played. Fair effort just thought you should all know xD
It's fair to say the idiots I've seen that are 15th with only a few days gameplay are glitchers then, the 15th playercard background does too pretty cool though.
If you have a bad fps, try making your graphics settings a bit higher, turn on anti-aliasing and shadows and stuff. Basicly that enables gfx card do the job that your processor would do on low settings.