(2156 posts, started )
for £49 a pair seems way cheaper and easyer than winter tyres too.

If the snow gets bad I might try a pair

Quote from P5YcHoM4N :I realise that, I know too many people with buggered bodies from spills, but it always makes my smaller injuries seem a lot less dramatic. I am lucky in that I have only broken a few bones and if I can keep it that way I will. But I enjoy two wheels too much.

Sucks about the holiday deal though.

I've never broken a bone in my body, well I say that, I may have broken a bone before, but I never visit the hospital so I wouldn't know about it anyway. No point going the hospital unless it hurts bad, if it doesn't hurt so bad then it's either not broken or it can heal on it's own.
Quote from BlueFlame :I've never broken a bone in my body, well I say that, I may have broken a bone before, but I never visit the hospital so I wouldn't know about it anyway. No point going the hospital unless it hurts bad, if it doesn't hurt so bad then it's either not broken or it can heal on it's own.

It is mostly digits for me. I've done dumb shit like slipped carrying a rock and while stopping myself from falling put a hand down which said rock then landed on. Hurt like a bastard. And of course I got my nose slightly broken in a round of fisticuffs at school. But yeah, for the most part I ruined the smaller digits.
Quote from P5YcHoM4N :It is mostly digits for me. I've done dumb shit like slipped carrying a rock and while stopping myself from falling put a hand down which said rock then landed on. Hurt like a bastard. And of course I got my nose slightly broken in a round of fisticuffs at school. But yeah, for the most part I ruined the smaller digits.

Same for me, I may have possibly broke a finger but I never went to hospital to find out but I dislocated my right knuckle next to me little finger after I punched someone full force in the face lol.
The only bone I ever broke was a metacarpal - the bone in my hand that leads to my middle finger - which I managed to do playing cards*, a feat of which I'm quite proud

*We were playing 'raps' - a game with forfeits which involve the loser being hit on the hand by the winner with a wad of cards of varying thickness depending on the severity of the loss. I lost BAD, we were a bit drunk and the winner boosted their hit (which already involved a full two packs of cards) with a leap off a table.
Quote from BlueFlame :Same for me, I may have possibly broke a finger but I never went to hospital to find out but I dislocated my right knuckle next to me little finger after I punched someone full force in the face lol.

If you count dislocations, then I have ruined every socket in my body. xD
Being stupid in your youth is a stupid game.

Quote from Crashgate3 :The only bone I ever broke was a metacarpal - the bone in my hand that leads to my middle finger - which I managed to do playing cards*, a feat of which I'm quite proud

*We were playing 'raps' - a game with forfeits which involve the loser being hit on the hand by the winner with a wad of cards of varying thickness depending on the severity of the loss. I lost BAD, we were a bit drunk and the winner boosted their hit (which already involved a full two packs of cards) with a leap off a table.

Haha, raps sucked, we used the edge of the card when playing raps, so the less you lost the thicker the wad and as such, less sliced open hand. Still hurts like a bitch, but you don't bleed all over the place.
In Bulgaria (Pleven) is not snowing at all for now
Some Pictures from last week at work

Quote from Crashgate3 :The only bone I ever broke was a metacarpal - the bone in my hand that leads to my middle finger - which I managed to do playing cards*

Slightly back on topic for a sim forum the only bone I've broken which I've known about* was when I got my ankle fairly comprehensively ****ed up when I got run over by a van. At first I thought I'd just twisted it so I hobbled home in excruciating pain and 3 days later when it was humungously swollen and all purple and orange I went to the hospital.

* In retrospect I think I broke my big toe falling off a ladder once but I didn't get it looked at. It looks very bent compared to my other big toe now though.
I have damaged my finger recently.

Masturbation injury.
(brandons48) DELETED by brandons48
Quote from dawesdust_12 :I have damaged my finger recently.

Masturbation injury.


Hope that no long term injuries were done to you or little Dustie.
I'm going out to do some sliding
Attached images
Quote from S14 DRIFT :\o/

Hope that no long term injuries were done to you or little Dustie.

No, The Big Show is still okay. It's just my hand.
still no snow here.
There's a little snow here, but not enough to have some fun
Quote from shiny_red_cobra :There's a little snow here, but not enough to have some fun

i guess i spoke too soon... yeah, we got dusted here as well... and it's packing snow too... twn says more snow is coming, but we're likely to just get another dusting.

i think this will be the first time we've had "real" snow. (and by real i mean that it didn't come down with freezing rain or hail, and it will stay on the ground for longer than 24 hours)

and the first year in many that i've joked about moving somewhere warm...

edit: hmm, it doesn't appear to be sticking to grass or trees... maybe i spoke too soon again.
(bmwe30m3) DELETED by bmwe30m3
I had both but now the snow is gone... I am sad.
First snow this morning (first that means anything, about 3 inches) and the news this morning was talking 1-1.5 feet over the next couple of days where I live.
we got flurries today,but nothing stays on ground. that means i got to put my snow tires on,coz big snow is coming soon(hopefully)
Snowing again in Ireland
We had weird snow this morning, it was like frozen fog - not freezing fog, which is normal fog that freezes when it touches something - but thousands of tiny needles of ice, falling so slowly they were almost hanging in the air.
snowstorm anyone?

(2156 posts, started )