The online racing simulator
Race Room Online:
(7 posts, started )
#1 - CSF
Race Room Online:
Gona test it. looks interesting
I thought I saw the F10 then I realise it's just based on one
Looks interresting, registered

Edit: Shame that it doesnt have a multiplayer
#5 - DeKo
F1 cars feel kinda allright until you get up to speed, where it floats all over the track. It's terrible to drive. the Camaro is allright I suppose, but the same car is in Race On (i think), and the constant adverts in this game made me turn it off after 5 minutes and delete it.
Quote from DeKo :F1 cars feel kinda allright until you get up to speed, where it floats all over the track. It's terrible to drive. the Camaro is allright I suppose, but the same car is in Race On (i think), and the constant adverts in this game made me turn it off after 5 minutes and delete it.

My experience with this game was exactly the same. Maybe I play LFS too much
Quote from DeKo :F1 cars feel kinda allright until you get up to speed, where it floats all over the track. It's terrible to drive. the Camaro is allright I suppose, but the same car is in Race On (i think), and the constant adverts in this game made me turn it off after 5 minutes and delete it.

Quote from Flame CZE :My experience with this game was exactly the same. Maybe I play LFS too much

This!, exactly my thoughts

I dont know, but in lfs even with mouse you can feel the car weight transfers and feel the tires is loosing grip, in RR those sensations dont exist at all, plus drive with mouse is crap in RR, when the game give you control over the car dont give the car witht eh wheel centered it give you control and sudenly the wheel turs abrubtly to the left or right making you loose control and finish into the dirt

Race Room Online:
(7 posts, started )