MRT rehabilitation program
(14 posts, started )
MRT rehabilitation program
HELP. I suck with the MRT. I can manage any other car, even the LX6, but that damn MRT kills me. Every once in a while I will find a setup that will let me get a hold of it, but I havent looked for one lately. Other than a setup, I just want some tips in general. Basically, what setting in the setup make it easier to handle, and what driving techniques should you use in the MRT? In general I just find that once the weight shifts the wrong way, its all over and my car will become a flaming piece of wreckage on the side of the road. So please dump all your MRT knowledge on me!
My MRT knowledge is : STAY AWAY FROM IT
Lol, joking....
Actually I also would love to hear some advice on that...because I guess me and drinklime will be a flaming pieces of wreckage on the side of the road, parked near each other...I suck in that car
You just need to be sensitive to it. It'll oversteer in a second, so you've really got to be one step ahead of it, predicting what it'll do. Being very smooth, and taking the line of least resistance and least upset as well, even if it's not a conventional line.

Last but not least dialing more understeer into the setup can help so you can lean on the front end a bit more.
You think that's bad, it took me about 2 minutes to figure out how to put it in first gear.

I'm not joking.
Yup, use a lot of unconvential lines. I started racing with it today a bit, and the secret is to be very smooth on the throttle, you can really push it through a turn, but when you notice just the slightest bit of skid, steer straight forward, and a little bit of countersteer. This car doesn't need a lot of countersteer, it will only make it fly off.

As you can see... I don't know much about driving this machine, but these are my findings.

P.S. ^^ I ALWAYS shift wrong every time I start.
Quote from drinklime :...and my car will become a flaming piece of wreckage on the side of the road.

No worries there... LFS doesn't have fire yet. lol

The MRT5 was the only car I could drive in S1.. now I can't make 3 corners. haha
Quote from Richardf :You think that's bad, it took me about 2 minutes to figure out how to put it in first gear.

I'm not joking.

I thought my wheel had broken for about 5 minutes before I suddenly had one of those light bulb moments ..... Bike Engine !!!!

Seriously though, i've just come off one of the Odd Combo Club servers driving the MRT around SO and Tristan hit the nail on the head - ultra smooth input is the key. Don't try and correct a slide like any other car, it'll basically tank slap you, it's really not something you can 'grab' or 'wrestle' around the track.

But, it's great fun once you learn some of the nuances (and believe me, i'm still learning )
(thisnameistaken) DELETED by thisnameistaken
Yeah, its funny how after playing around with MRT you allways try to reverse out of the box trough the wall.

MRT when driven properly still brings the best fights because its so tiny. Lovely car and I think the only one at the moment which really bites your head off and doesn't forgive. But its very hard car to learn, and on public servers its a mess because most of the LFSers and specially the new people haven't ever driven it. And it radically different to other cars we have. I really would like to see MRT and SO sprint track combos, just for the "good old S1" times, thousands of laps on those tracks. Oh the days, I remember fighting with the allmost legendary Kirves and beating him couple times too
I hated the MRT pre U patch. It felt like the rear end was always going to break loose no matter what - at least to my coarse hands.

Post U patch and ironically the MRT is my favorite. I love the immediacy of response that the MRT gives. Economy of line and motion makes the MRT most effective. IMO, after a session driving the MRT, the other cars feel "dull" in comparison (FO8 and BF1 withstanding).

I am having trouble getting my head wrapped around the setup of the MRT though. One would think it was rather straightforward, but I can't find that sweet spot of balance, and then if I do the car feels underdamped, i.e. it wallows/porpoises over bumps. I tried following the advice in the unofficial manual, but I find that stiffer springs and bars work better for me.

I wish more servers would be running the MRT...
Dunno, handles great for me, I tend to drift it around everywhere. Doesn't spin any more than any other car. And due to the massive grip and low power, I can usually floor the throttle from the apex and it just goes.

Not like in S1 at all, then it was hell (riding the sharpest knife-edge in the world).
I personally love it. It's actually pretty easy to catch slides, because it's so immediate in it's responses. It makes my next favorite cars, the LXs and the Raceabout, feel like barges, hehe.
LOL the shifting catches me too sometimes...And then when I switch to another car type. I dunno... every set-up I used, if the car went into a bit of over steer skidding, not really even as extreme as drifting, it slowed the car waay down, instantly. The only time it flipped is if I got hit when that happened or hit a curb or something.

What I liked about the MRT was in S-1 you could ride the cliffs on Fern Bay
like a quarter pipe. You can in S-2 too, only not for long. And if you eat it,
May as well pit in (:irked:damn physics improvements:irked
sweet setup thisnameistaken
If the car starts to slide at all, lift the throttle a bit and apply about 40% brake, steering center, sorts out all that oversteer pretty quick.

I think it's a trial and error thing, try one technique and if it doesn't work try another untill you find it comfortable and easier to drive.

I personally like the car, good fun to drive, especcially when you get close races rounf the So tracks for example.

MRT rehabilitation program
(14 posts, started )