The online racing simulator
What about it? Default Airio files don't do that, so it's something you have put in yourself... search your config files for "/pass"
Dear all Airio lovers
first of all i want to thank EQ Worry for this great piece of software

second i wanna ask how i can get my Airio 2.4. stats and pbs and so on into my fresh 2.5.1 install !?
I copied All Airiso.sta.* files from 2.4 folder to my new 2.5.1 folder. But Airio doesnt import or show the data, it only overwrites my "old" Airio.sta files!

What do i have to do to get Airio 2.5.1 recognize my 2.4. data?

Thanks in advance for any hint!

Best regards,


managed it by taking the whole v2.4 with valid sta in it and just replace Airio.exe, Airio.pdb and also copy the SQLite dll and Airio.wrs.txt from v2.5!
Quote from michele0676 :One question: can Airio toggle the pass from a server ? We have a strange situation, we use a server with a password but after some hours ... pass is deleted .... very strange !

Hi, see the Airio.set.1.txt file in the SET folder and remove the /pass and !ch commands from there. This file is by default called automatically 10 minutes of so after last disconnect. The intention is to have the option to return server to default state, but obviously in your case it is doing something unwelcome.

Quote from aleex! :first of all i want to thank EQ Worry for this great piece of software second i wanna ask how i can get my Airio 2.4. stats and pbs and so on into my fresh 2.5.1 install !? EDIT: managed it by taking the whole v2.4 with valid sta in it and just replace Airio.exe, Airio.pdb and also copy the SQLite dll and Airio.wrs.txt from v2.5!

Hi and thanks for your nice words! What you actually need to do is to stop Airio, overwrite the STA files, and then start Airio again. That is because they are read only on Airio start. Then you could type !dbi to import all data from new STA files (now in memory) into the SQLite database.
track rotation /ranking system

I like the airio tracker very much but i cant get track rotation work and ranking system(example: car classes : 1,2,3...) like same style what has so could someone help me ?

is this correct or no : RotateRaces=3

correct me if its wrong and can you guys give me some examples about those ranking thigs pls ?

See you
indiaXXX:/home/lfs/insim# mono Airio.exe
Airio tracker v. 2.5.1 FREE by EQ Worry
Opening connection : TCP ERROR

********************************* Quit Airio *********************************

what should i do? Running it on Ubuntu, same as server does, TCP and UDP Insim Port are allowed to connect, Airio.con1.txt:
# ================================================================= #
# ================================================================= #

# It is necessary to enter here data needed for connection to server.
# These are LFS server IP address, its InSim communication port,
# and the server password. Without correct data connection cannot
# be established.


# Optionally specify how many times per second are car data (speed,
# location) sent. Allowed values are 1, 2, 5, 10, or 20.


Quote from jsrk :Hello,

I like the airio tracker very much but i cant get track rotation work and ranking system(example: car classes : 1,2,3...) like same style what has so could someone help me ?

is this correct or no : RotateRaces=3

correct me if its wrong and can you guys give me some examples about those ranking thigs pls ?

See you


Essentially, remove your brackets, and separate as tracks|laps|cars
1 problem there is
When i do !end it changes track automatically but you can't join the race because it says ''try to join when the timer runs out'' how i can fix it ?
I have tried so many times

got it work there was 1 thing wrong so i fixed it.

Quote from m1chi119 :what should i do? Running it on Ubuntu, same as server does, TCP and UDP Insim Port are allowed to connect, Airio.con1.txt:

The connection to server InSim port cannot be established. My guess would be the InSim port is not actually open. Note that you must use the /insim= command at the server, not inside a client connected to server, even with admin rights. You must use the server console for this or enter the /insim= command into server configuration file.
Help please...
Quote from EQ Worry :The connection to server InSim port cannot be established. My guess would be the InSim port is not actually open. Note that you must use the /insim= command at the server, not inside a client connected to server, even with admin rights. You must use the server console for this or enter the /insim= command into server configuration file.

Hi please verify your PM, hope to here from you soon.
I have downloaded Airio yesterday and I was reading all instructions, descriptions and commands, and after that, finally I've installed it to try with my dedicated server. Airio is a work of an Angel himself I'm thrilled trully...

Thank you very much for your work, i think I will do and donations in further time.


And offcourse, I have a question, problem I can't find how to create two lines in text, for example:

# Defines message displayed to every connected player or limads (and
# admins) or only to full admins - string(s)
# Divide long messages into several lines starting with +, which means
# adding the text to existing message (not overwriting it).

UsersMotd=^7Welcome to server and drive carefully. This server is powered with Airio Tracker. Use the breakes on time and don't crash other racers
AdminMotd=^7To see the Airio tracker admin commands type ^3!ahelp

Now I want that UsersMotd= text to divied into few lines, but I don't know how.

Could someone give me a real example, please.

I think it is like this:

Quote :UsersMotd=^7Welcome to server and drive carefully. This server is powered with Airio Tracker. +Use the breakes on time and don't crash other racers
AdminMotd=^7To see the Airio tracker admin commands type ^3!ahelp

So in LFS it will appear as:

<host name>: Welcome to the server and drive carefully. This server is powered with Airio Tracker.
<host name>:Use the breakes on time and don't crash other racers

No, it wont go. It Gives me + in text and just one line. I'm using it in
# -------------------------- Info Buttons ------------------------- #

of Airio.srv.txt
Quote :

# These lines will appear as buttons to everyone connecting to the
# server, allowing for communicating some must-read info - string(s)
# Use "ButtnMotd=+text" to define text for individual buttons.
ButtnMotd=^1Welcome to My server. +Drive fast and use the breaks

And it gives me result
Welcome to My server. +Drive fast and use the breaks

Quote :UsersMotd=^7Welcome to server and drive carefully. This server is powered with Airio Tracker.
+Use the breakes on time and don't crash other racers
AdminMotd=^7To see the Airio tracker admin commands type ^3!ahelp

Read your 2nd post Edvin - # Use "ButtnMotd=+text" - you need the ButtnMotd= for each line, otherwise Airio doesn't know what the plus is for
E.g. ButtnMotd=bla blah
ButtnMotd=+more stuff
Quote from J@tko :Does:


No, but booth said it right. Thank you for trying very much

Quote from boothy :Read your 2nd post Edvin - # Use "ButtnMotd=+text" - you need the ButtnMotd= for each line, otherwise Airio doesn't know what the plus is for
E.g. ButtnMotd=bla blah
ButtnMotd=+more stuff

Ouuuu that's it. Thank you very much. Now i got it
thanks a lot
Have there recently been an update to the path definitions?

I've noticed more or less all my laps at KY3 are invalidated due to leaving the path, even though none of my wheels ever touches the grass.
There is atleast 3 turns on KY3 I've noticed laps beeing invalidating without touching the grass, and a few other corners here and there on AS tracks.
I have one question. I am not sure how could I colorize the name of my server in the Master Server list?
Is it suppose to be changed in Airio files (which one?) or in Dedicated server files (in which one?)?

I've tried to do it in setup.cfg of dedicated server with e.g. ^4 but it won't work.
Attached images
Quote from EdvinKlimentic :
I've tried to do it in setup.cfg of dedicated server with e.g. ^4 but it won't work.

Then you have done something wrong, because it's there.

It should work iIf you write something like: ^1Color1 ^2Color2
Quote from Whiskey :Then you have done something wrong, because it's there.

It should work iIf you write something like: ^1Color1 ^2Color2

Sometimes my eyes play games with me I guess. It is ok now. I've changed it in setup.cfg and it's ok.

Sorry to waste anyone's time.

Server name is Tuzedo BiH. if some more expirienced user can find some settings that should be off or on instead, I would be very thankfull if he informs me about it. Thanks.
WR' on lfsworld are not the same as on airio
Hi ,

maybe this has been discussed on previous posts , maybe not .

my question is how come that when i check the WR times on lfsworld , a few WR times are not the same as on my airio tracker .

example : WR FZ5 SO1 tracker :1. 0:48.90 LFSW FZ5 WR (karolis[lt]) 26.99

. . . . . . . .WR FZ5 SO1 lfsworld : fz50 IMOL 0:48.77

Regards DCke
Quote from :read cfg.txt plz;

i did , same here in my cfg file


am i doing something wrong ? why it isnt updating ?

regards DCke
You need to add an ident key so that Airio will download the latest world records. You get an ident key on Lfs desktop, its found under "My Lfs Settings -> Pubstat access".

Enter the Identkey in Airio.cfg.txt :-
# LFSW PubStats key - string
# If IdentKey is empty no LFSW data will be downloaded/available. In
# FULL version you may define several keys by starting/concatenating
# '+' to speed up free data retrieval process. Note that the keys
# must belong to different people, e.g. team members.
I have 2 simple questions:
1. how to completely disable autorestart (after qualifying or race)?
2. is it possible to make Airio start qualifying at desired time automaticly?

I know,for some of you these will be very simple tasks to do by yourself,but that amount of scripts just makes mess in my head...

AIRIO - Advanced LFS Tracker
(2389 posts, started )