So last time I weighed myself, I was about 13 and a half stone, this was about 6 months ago.
I weighed myself today and I was 16 and a half!! What a podgy twat you're thinking. But the weird thing is, I haven't gotten any more of a double chin nor have I gained any new rolls in the middle...
Probably doesn't help I have a McDonalds discount card so a large big mac meal costs me about £2.40 which is very cheap for what is basically all you need to eat all day..
I was going to use this free "Garic pizza bread and Wedges with any large Pizza" from Dominos but after knowing how much of a fat arse I had become, I trudged my sorry backside down to Sainsbury's and bought some leaf and cress salad bowl with a chive sauce and that cost me £2 exactly, which has 9g of fat in it, in total...and it was bloody delicious...AND I HATE SALAD.
A bit random but hey.
I weighed myself today and I was 16 and a half!! What a podgy twat you're thinking. But the weird thing is, I haven't gotten any more of a double chin nor have I gained any new rolls in the middle...
Probably doesn't help I have a McDonalds discount card so a large big mac meal costs me about £2.40 which is very cheap for what is basically all you need to eat all day..
I was going to use this free "Garic pizza bread and Wedges with any large Pizza" from Dominos but after knowing how much of a fat arse I had become, I trudged my sorry backside down to Sainsbury's and bought some leaf and cress salad bowl with a chive sauce and that cost me £2 exactly, which has 9g of fat in it, in total...and it was bloody delicious...AND I HATE SALAD.
A bit random but hey.