The online racing simulator
Kart Racing Pro
(124 posts, started )
Np..hopefully you can get the problem resolved.
Ding ding ding 43.249
Experience I guess.
#80 - Zay
Shifter replay. Not fast but seems frantic when driving the bloomin thing

Edit just downloaded fraps and did a quick video using basic camera view in replay mode.

Edit 2: just tried another. I doff my cap to all you movie makers......

Edit 3: A wet lap

Edit 4: last one for now. Its the latest addon track which has been converted from GPBikes.
Attached files
44.771 shifter.rar - 655.8 KB - 241 views ... =mfu_in_order&list=UL

Maybe its just me but does it not look like from the onboard video of mrfell that the wheels are moving as if they have suspension? Watch closely to the front wheel, it seems to move up & down, whilst the stub stays as it should.

Haven't tried this yet, too much uni work due for next week to risk getting hooked!!
Quote from keiran : ... =mfu_in_order&list=UL

Maybe its just me but does it not look like from the onboard video of mrfell that the wheels are moving as if they have suspension? Watch closely to the front wheel, it seems to move up & down, whilst the stub stays as it should.

Haven't tried this yet, too much uni work due for next week to risk getting hooked!!

Funnily enough suspension systems have been played around with in the past before the regs were cleared up a bit.

I have noticed the same thing on KRP. I don't think the physics are a full-on replication of kart dynamics. it's fun still, but you can certainly tell it isn't yet 100%.
Quote from keiran : ... =mfu_in_order&list=UL

Maybe its just me but does it not look like from the onboard video of mrfell that the wheels are moving as if they have suspension? Watch closely to the front wheel, it seems to move up & down, whilst the stub stays as it should.

Haven't tried this yet, too much uni work due for next week to risk getting hooked!!

You're absolutely right!!
If you use the actual replay and choose the free camera you'll see the wheel move and the rest stay the same. The steering arms are similar too. But hey its a pretty good drive.....
Quote from baSh0r :43.821: 13.895 / 15.942 / 13.982

setup and times list attached

Thanks. I was able to improve my pb to the low 44's.

Sadly not all sectors were the fastest ones, actually I botched the last one pretty badly. Could have been as fast as 43.783. Still learning and the fastest lap is a long way off. Improvement from yesterday though, I hit mostly 45's and now quite a few 44.5's.

[FONT="Times New Roman"]18 44.618 13.875 16.228 14.514 116.6 km/h
19 44.282 14.119 16.130 [B]14.032[/B] 115.9 km/h
20 44.739 13.911 16.686 14.141 116.3 km/h
21 44.322 13.972 15.983 14.366 115.9 km/h
22 50.735 13.966 16.045 20.723 116.3 km/h
23 45.844 14.540 16.577 14.726 113.0 km/h
24 [B]44.173 13.826 15.925[/B] 14.422 116.3 km/h[/FONT]

EDIT pb 43.851
Quote from mblixt :anyone tryed Russian ring yet ? its realy funny its a good mix of slow and fast corners so seting the gears up is realy tricky.
my best lap is 32.33

you can download it here

Nice track! I could only do a 34:30 after testing about 10 laps or so...
seems like nice game
42.972 so far
low 48's on defaults anyone here with good setup and care to share with instructions how to "install" it?
Bashor put his set on page 1. The setups folder is in profiles.
Quote from keiran : ... =mfu_in_order&list=UL

Maybe its just me but does it not look like from the onboard video of mrfell that the wheels are moving as if they have suspension? Watch closely to the front wheel, it seems to move up & down, whilst the stub stays as it should.

Haven't tried this yet, too much uni work due for next week to risk getting hooked!!

That's because it isn't a kart sim. It's a car sim that has had a kart model put in it and some values altered to make it feel a bit like a cart. The suspension simulation is probably a naff attempt at implementing the all-important chassis flex - though by doing this it will clearly destroy other kart-critical factors.

But I haven't played it, and the proof of the pudding is in the eating as they say. Doing everything 'perfectly' often results in a slightly poorer experience.
Quote from tristancliffe :That's because it isn't a kart sim. It's a car sim that has had a kart model put in it and some values altered to make it feel a bit like a cart. The suspension simulation is probably a naff attempt at implementing the all-important chassis flex - though by doing this it will clearly destroy other kart-critical factors.

But I haven't played it, and the proof of the pudding is in the eating as they say. Doing everything 'perfectly' often results in a slightly poorer experience.

It very much feels like that when driving. My first impression when driving it was that it behaved like a very good rFactor kart mod. The engine model is very simplistic too.

I think most people have such low expectations of a kart simulation as there hasn't been one yet, that they have a got a bit over-excited about this one. Fair play to the developer for getting it out there, it's fun, but it needs a lot of work to bring it up to sim standard.
I wouldn't be surprised if the best currently available commercial kart simulation is actually Gran Turismo 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote from tristancliffe :I wouldn't be surprised if the best currently available commercial kart simulation is actually Gran Turismo 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It takes about 20 minutes to download, install, and play the demo. So try it out.

Gran Turismo karts are fun (for about 10 seconds), but don't really drive anything like proper karts, and ALL the tracks are huge and flat out almost everywhere.

This sim actually has real tracks, and the physics are 100x better than GT karts, and 10x better than anything in rFactor. Just because visually some funky stuff is going on at the wheels doesn't mean things aren't modelled correctly physically. Though I do admit it's extremely likely shortcuts have been taken, and there are flaws (castor setting seems to make too much difference to handling, FFB goes oddly light during high speed cornering), it's really surprisingly good.

Kart Racing Pro
(124 posts, started )