The online racing simulator
yes I'll make more info pages later (see the readme )

About your problem, if you want to adjust a key frame's values by dragging those orange property values, then you have to put the timeline indicator on top of the key frame that you want to adjust. Selecting a key frame does not achieve what you want to do.
Because this is kinda annoying to always do manually, you can use the little grey/black arrows to the right of the property. I call them 'key walkers' and they allow you to .. walk the keys, one by one.

So you have to get used to moving the timeline indicator to the place in the animation that you want to adjust before adjusting anything.
Yeah, i was just messing around with it and i found out the keyframe thing.

Also, im a bit curious. What can we do with After Effects here? Does that export the whole map data and everything to AE so we could edit it in there instead? Hmm.
You can export camera and null objects and their animations to After Effects. So then you have the same project in essence, in After Effects, and you can do all sorts of things there.

From the readme :

Did you notice already how LFS Record is a bit like how After Effects works?
Those familiar with video post production software may already have noticed similarities with LFS Record's features. In fact, the idea for LFS Record arose out of the desire to have LFS camera paths imported into After Effects and the likes, to allow for compositing of objects in 3D space, onto LFS video footage. In other words, you can put objects into the LFS world, that aren't there in LFS. This can be achieved because LFS Record creates camera paths that can be imported into post production and 3D editing software that allows you to overlay graphics on top of video footage, perfectly aligned with that same footage. You can even create null objects from LFS replay data, and import those resulting paths (from the cars in the replay) into AFX as well. That way you can overlay objects that exactly follow cars in the footage (or you could leave out the cars from the footage, and use the nulls to put something else in their place - your imagination is the limit). Of course, you must use the usual compositing techniques if you want to add objects that appear behind LFS-world objects. Remember you're putting 3D objects onto 2D video footage.

One video i posted above is a simple example of putting an object into LFS-space that wasn't there originally :

This uses the mentioned difference matte to extract the car from the background, so that i could put the logo 'behind' the car, in LFS-space. It also uses a Null object that I placed exactly on the ground in LFS Record, so that after importing it into AE, I could use that to generate the shadow that appears to line up perfectly with LFS-space.

No worries if you don't know what that means. It's just one of many compositing techniques that can be used in video editing.

The main thing here is that you can use LFS Record to pre-align objects so they fit nicely in LFS-space. Then you can import all the LFS Record data into AE to do fun stuff.
Impresive ! For me this is quite hard, but just need to practice, how to do something in these software.
Quote from Litro :Impresive ! For me this is quite hard, but just need to practice, how to do something in these software.

I think its fairly easy since its pretty damn similar to most common video editing software layouts etc. LFSRecord looks very similar to AE tho.

Edit: I was messing around with it again, made some nice camera work and all that but i still cant record that. It tells me that it couldnt write surface to file. ENBseries is removed for now. I dont have anything else fancy in there either. Tryed running as administrators and i also tryed some basic key combos (smash the keyboard etc.) - still nothing.
I've updated the first post with a new full download and a patch for those who don't want to download it all again. Just extract it in your LFSRecord folder.

*You can now click and drag the timestamp label to adjust the timeline position. Click it to enter a value manually (see below for more info).
*Added the key frame option "Toggle Hold", to hold its value instead of interpolating to the next key frame value.
*Added a warning label when selecting 100 FPS, indicating you cannot import that into AE.
*Fixed some small bugs.
*Added tutorial number 6 "Using Replays, Part 2".

About manually entering the timeline position :
-If you enter just one value, like 12, it will be assumed you meant seconds
-If you enter a decimal value like 12.4, it will be assumed you meant 12 seconds and 4 tenths of a second
-If you enter two values separated by a colon like 12:4, it will be assumed you meant 12 seconds and 4 frames.
-You can of course also still add minutes, like 1:4:20 (1 minute, 4 seconds, frame 20), or 1:28.5 (1 minute, 28 seconds and one half second, which at 25 FPS is rounded to 13 frames).
This is a powerful tool. Very good programming there It looks hard, but its actually really easy to use with the vids you provided (and its a LOT like AE)
Thanks for the patch! The stop-time is exactly what I wanted to have there
sweet... no more having to use fraps...

anyone have any videos done with this software yet?
@Victor: you should take care about keyboard layouts.

In spanish layout, for example, the colon is in the same key as decimal point, so it's a bit imposible to write minutes in the timeline

Another issue:
I made a capture (1,11 GB :schwitz and realized there are some shots/numbers missed.
First shot is 675 and last 1096, should be 421 bmp's, but I have only 307. I have 114 shots missing.
I captured 1740 frames (10 gigs) and it didn't skip any
Quote from Whiskey :@Victor: you should take care about keyboard layouts.

In spanish layout, for example, the colon is in the same key as decimal point, so it's a bit imposible to write minutes in the timeline

Another issue:
I made a capture (1,11 GB :schwitz and realized there are some shots/numbers missed.
First shot is 675 and last 1096, should be 421 bmp's, but I have only 307. I have 114 shots missing.

What do you mean "the colon is in the same key as decimal point"? They cannot possibly be the same key (values)?

As for the missing shots, have you saved that project? If so, can you send it to me? (just zip and attach).
Can you see if there is a skipped frame every now and then, or is there a big jump from one frame to the next at some point?
ok, but I still don't get the problem. Here i have to press shift as well for a colon and that's no problem.

Does whiskey mean when he does that, there's no colon showing, but just the .?

I'm gonna need more info here
I can't get it to load any projects.... Comes up with an error box "Error loading project : Invalid layerType encountered"
And behind it I can see the car path layer isn't loaded...

.lfsrec attached in case it saved wrong

Oh, and I also can't load car paths on multiplayer replays...... Dunno if anyone else can or not...
It says "There was an error with the replay : RIP_WRONG_MODE" after clicking Next. I'm assuming it means you haven't made that possible yet, but just in case :P
Attached files - 79.9 KB - 454 views
Same problem and I think I've narrowed it down to the layer name. It only occurs when I attempt to save/load a layer with certain characters in its name, specifically square brackets. My AIs are named ^7morpha ^2[^700^2] through ^7morpha ^2[^719^2], extracting their Car Data and saving without renaming the resulting layers will corrupt the file, or at least make it unreadable to LFS Record. If I rename the layers to Car #1 through 20 it works just fine.

Attached you'll find a screeny showing some characters that shouldn't be there
Attached images
I made the same capture as yesterday, and now I have only 53 shots missing. They are skiped every now and then:
1_637, 1_639, 1_641, 1_647, 1_688, ...

About the keyboard:
When I try to write the character ":" (shift + .) in the replay ofset, the cursor just go to the left, as if I have pressed the "Home" key. I suposse this is not intended to do that.

PS: I'm recording at fullscreen, 1440x900, from second 27 to 44
Attached files
Whiskey's project.rar - 36.7 KB - 377 views
Quote from morpha :Same problem and I think I've narrowed it down to the layer name. It only occurs when I attempt to save/load a layer with certain characters in its name, specifically square brackets.

Yep, thats it. Thanks!
I think I might be able to hex edit my project back to life....

E: Hex editing the name didn't work
Quote from goodboy735 :Yep, thats it. Thanks!
I think I might be able to hex edit my project back to life....

That'll be difficult, replacing the characters won't help because they apparently cause some corruption during the saving process, adding additional bytes where none belong. And since they're not visible in LFS Record you don't get to know what to look for in the file
I'll have a patch (before) tonight to fix that save-file issue. Unfortunately it'll be an incompatible change, as the format of the save file changed.

@Whiskey - that behaviour (like as if you've typed the home key) means a character was entered that is not allowed in a timestamp.
So, when you type a colon in for example the project name (project settings -> project name), what do you see? It must be some other character.
I can't believe WPF (.NET) doesn't convert the key values to their appropriate names / real values no matter the keyboard layout!
If I write the project name everything is ok.

Hope WPF works ok, as I started this monday to learn it
Don't know if you figured it out or not Victor, but it's not the character.... it's how many they're are.
If it's longer then 15 it's corrupt (you can't type more then 15)... brackets work fine
Having all the colors in a name really takes up space :S

Managed to hex edit mine back to life, but now the car path is a camera
I can still use it though
Quote from Whiskey :If I write the project name everything is ok.

Hope WPF works ok, as I started this monday to learn it

I think I'll have to make a special debug version for you later on. Atm I've no clue why the colon gives you trouble.
I just first want to finish undo/redo, which will be today. Then I can look into the problems people reported.

as for WPF - i think it's great. What I've always looked up to was UI creation. It's always a lot of work, but WPF makes that part real easy. And it's h/w accelerated for as far as possible, so finally a decent graphics drawing api in windows
Typing in the replay offset is in seconds for me (ie, 2:00.000 = 120.00), and it did the same thing when I tried to use ":"