Quote from boothy :I thought The Stig excelled at failing epicly but you've just taken it to a whole new level. Ok, but i still wish you happiness and health for the holidays. Thanks to all who came out. Be well. AAnt
Stats are in..960 drivers ran the min of 25 laps.....152 did a 60 lap stint...it now holds a record. Thx guys. OLFSL had 168 drivers do 45 laps..(Rb4@BL2).....but bl2 is 108...best time FBM BL1 is 113...do the math. Icon Change sANTa Het Boothy...that a bitmap icon? Bee original...that's an SCCC thing..
Quote from CSF :May I ask where on earth you are pulling those stats from? I was an admin for OLFSL. Recruited T.Kay. Also worked and seen code from many other apps. So in answer to your question...I pulled them out of my ass. People let me use their programs, LFS is one. Stats will be done for the new year to see who busted the MRT Record. Please be patieANT. Ty for the smile CFS, hope the season is treating you well... sANTa
I was on about the 960 in this event not the OLFSL. My own stats say that only 100 people came on the server the whole point it was up and no-one was on during the day at all... so where did you get the 960 from?
I may try and make it if I'm free that day. MRT is my only issue with the whole thing lol Sounds fun none-the-less