hi victor, in the last few days I caught the desire to create clips,
I tried several programs but LFS Record is excellent, now I'll just use him
So far It tried pure basics, move the camera from the beginning to the end of the start line with a small roll, other angle view ...
This initial part It understand and I hope to soon enter into a Grif with creating videos that I want
for now I ran into 2 problems.
The first problem I do not torture, but the error report says:
"replay error: LFS is currently not in a suitable mode to load a replay from, if you see this error please report it to the author of LFS record."
at the time of reporting error, in the LFS has been running a replay,
via the "LFS record" I tried to load the desired replay
2 problem is:
several times the program goes out, does not appear in any error or similar,
It simply goes out.
I had not managed to figure out the reason, it seems to me that is not linked to any function.
is using: Windows XP and I have Net Framework 4.0
LFS record
continue the excellent work
